Sunday, November 10, 2013

Radio Campaign Tells Atheists "Where to Go"

"We'd like to tell atheists where to go!"

These words begin a 60-second radio ad encouraging atheists, agnostics and others of similar outlook to discover one or more of nearly 2,000 local groups and national organizations in North America that exist to serve them. The ads are airing 340 times this month on SiriusXM Satellite Radio, specifically targeted to audiences of CNN, INDIE Radio, MSNBC, OUTQ, and SiriusXM Progress.

These ads also launch a comprehensive new website geared to helping people find these groups and organizations. Called the Secular Directory, the site offers the largest and most up-to-date database ever compiled of local atheist, agnostic, freethought, humanist, secularist, skeptic and other such groups in North America. Referred to in the ad as "godless groups," each can be found easily. The user simply types in the name of her or his city and state, and then a list of those within a 50-mile radius pops up.

The Secular Directory also lists national and international organizations, special services for nonreligious people, conferences and events, publications, and other resources. The website is at but can also be accessed via the alliterative URL used in the ad: .