Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Freethought Holiday Excursion – Some Pictures and Videos

Pictures from the Reason Rally can be found here:

Pictures from the American Atheist Conference can be found here:  (with more to come)

Pictures from Rock Beyond Belief can be found here: (with more to come)

Shelley Segal performed at the Reason Rally and at the American Atheists' Reason Rally After Party.  She also performed 3 times at the Rock Beyond Belief after party.  The two songs below are 2 of the 5 songs from her third performance when there were only a few remaining and people were packing everything up.  I decided to see how well the video feature worked on my relatively new Olympus XZ-1 camera and tried to capture her performance (capturing 4 of 5 of the songs in the set).  Although the focus goes in and out slightly throughout, I think it turned out fairly well... and Shelley sounds great, as usual.

The first video below was the third in that last set and the second video was the first in the set when she was using someone else’s guitar: