Friday, January 13, 2012

Muslim leader's classroom visit sparks controversy

"I'm opposed to CAIR presenting Islam in the schools. CAIR should not be a vehicle of education for schools, given their track record their representations they have made throughout the country with regards to being apologetic for terrorists. This is outrageous," says Caton.

Some emails support the teacher's choice for a speaker, calling Caton the "extremist" and referring to those who think like him "bigoted followers."

"It's very clear Caton has a not a hidden agenda, but an open anti-Muslim agenda. He hates Islam. He hates Muslim," says Shibly.

Caton's Florida Family Association is the same group that made headlines last month when it attacked the TLC reality show "All American Muslim" and successfully got Lowe's to pull its advertising from the program. 

The lesson on Islam is part of the Sunshine State Standards. It's a guide for teachers on what kids should be learning. The standards include lessons on Judaism and Christianity as part of a class on World History and Religions.