Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Church Electioneering and the IRS: Another Example of Tax Agency Failure

For some years now, Americans United for Separation of Church and State has been urging the IRS to crack down on tax-exempt religious organizations that engage in blatant partisan electioneering. These are clear violations of the law, and yet the IRS seems to have done nothing to penalize scofflaws.

When I say clear violations of the law, I mean clear. I'm talking about religious organizations using their tax-exempt personnel and resources to intervene in elections. I'm talking about pastors standing up and telling their congregants which candidates to vote for or against, endorsing candidates in church bulletins or taking other actions that step way over the line.

MORE: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/barry-w-lynn/church-electioneering-and_b_3267250.html#es_share_ended