Monday, June 30, 2008
Stephen Hawking's Explosive New Theory
Cassini To Earth: 'Mission Accomplished, But New Questions Await!'
See also:
Phoenix Scrapes To Icy Soil In Wonderland
Phoenix Mars Lander Returns Treasure Trove For Science
Asteroid-hunting Satellite A World First
Quantum Computing Breakthrough Arises From Unknown Molecule
Evangelical Grunts
Louisiana Gov. Signs Controversial Education Bill
See also:
Americans United Will Monitor Implementation Of New Louisiana Anti-Evolution Law
Mechanism And Function Of Humor Identified By New Evolutionary Theory
Alastair Clarke explains: "The theory is an evolutionary and cognitive explanation of how and why any individual finds anything funny. Effectively it explains that humour occurs when the brain recognizes a pattern that surprises it, and that recognition of this sort is rewarded with the experience of the humorous response, an element of which is broadcast as laughter.
"By removing stipulations of content we have been forced to study the structures underlying any instance of humour, and it has become clear that it is not the content of the stimulus but the patterns underlying it that provide the potential for sources of humour. For patterns to exist it is necessary to have some form of content, but once that content exists, it is the level of the pattern at which humour operates and for which it delivers its rewards."
Sarcasm Seen as Evolutionary Survival Skill
Baby Jesus Back After 6 Years
Rather than spend more than $1,000 on a new set, Hoffman used dolls or her son, Jack, now 10, as stand-ins for the last six years while Jesus was away from his manger at the West Des Moines Police Department's evidence locker.
"Jack usually didn't last too long," Hoffman said. "It was hard to convince him to lie out there in the freezing cold."
See also:
'Bleeding' Christ attracts thousands
Dallas Residents See Jesus In Granite Slab
Evangelical Movement Touts 'Jesus For President'
See also:
Non-voters: It's all in God's hands
Survey: More Have Dropped Dogma For Spirituality In U.S.
There are so many ways of seeing God, public policy expert Barry Kosmin says, that "the highest authority is now the lowest common denominator."
See also:
Study: Most Americans say many religions can lead to eternal life
Americans religious, not rigid, study finds
Ariz. churchgoer rate is far behind nation's
Your Brain Lies To You
Prosecutors Say SC Scammers Took $80M
Texas Supreme Court Rules Church Can't Be Sued In Exorcism
Va. Judge: Church Secession Law Is Constitutional
Homosexuality A Result Of Genetics And Random Environmental Factors, Says Twins Study
Anglicans Form 'New Church' In Gay Clergy Row
See also:
Conservative Anglicans form breakaway church in revolution led from the south
Anglican Head Warns Against Conservative Challenge
An Anglican Schism: Headed for US?
'Safe' Catholic School That Let Killer Deal Drugs, Have Sex And Worship The Devil
But the trial of Luke Mitchell for the gruesome murder of Jodi Jones has rocked that assumption to its foundations.
Priest Sacked For Affair Takes Catholic Church To Tribunal
Former monsignor Joseph Creegan is the first Scottish priest to take the Church to court, claiming for lost wages via an employment tribunal.
Christians Challenge Teaching Of Evolution
Russian Prosecutors Charge Jehovah's Witnesses With Incitement Of Religious Hatred
Protests Over Disputed Shrine Paralyze Indian Kashmir
Muslims Will Be Searched By Sniffer Dogs Despite Religious Objections, Say Police
Amid U.S. Policy Disputes, Qaeda Grows In Pakistan
See also:
Pakistan claims success in battling militants
Smoke and mirrors in the Khyber Valley
Pakistani soldiers uncover Taliban 'kidnap jail'
32 Militants Killed In Afghan Violence
See also:
Taliban use swords to slit the throats of Afghan 'traitors' in public executions before thousands
Taliban flourishing, Pentagon reports
Resurgent Taliban May Step Up Attacks, Pentagon Says
Taliban to intensify insurgency, says Pentagon
Afghan Civilian Deaths Up 62%, U.N. Says
U.S., NATO deaths in Afghanistan pass Iraq toll
Iraqi Judges Targets Of Bombing Attacks
See also:
Truck bomb kills 7, wounds 3 in Iraq
Iraq judge gunned down
Program in Iraq against al-Qaida faces uncertainty
Changing Colors
The rise and fall of a Sons of Iraq warrior
Thursday, June 26, 2008
ACLU Might File Suit To End Lunch Prayer
Bush, White House Push 'Faith-Based' Agenda Despite Mounting Record Of Misuse
Mormons Urged To Back Ban On Same-Sex Marriage
See also:
Mormons seek distance from polygamist sects
San Diego County Pastor Rallies Clergy Against Gay Marriage
Lawsuits: Archdiocese Covered Up Abuse
Dutch Prepare For Maya Apocalypse
Petra Faile and her husband have bought a life raft and other survival equipment in preparation for Armageddon.
Mrs Faile said she was concerned that immigration was pushing the Netherlands, a low lying country protected by dikes and sea walls, beneath the waves.
"They keep letting people in. And then we have to build more houses, which makes the Netherlands even heavier. The country will sink even lower, which will make the flooding worse," she said.
Spanish Parliament To Extend Rights To Apes
Band T-Shirt Draws Charge
Eccentric Cleric Finally Evicted From Vicarage
Thousands Of Somali Children Need Urgent Medical Aid
"Somalia is no longer on the verge of a catastrophe, the disaster is happening now"
Somalia has not had a functioning government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and turned on each other. Thousands of civilians have been killed in Somalia since 2007, caught in vicious disputes over ancient clan loyalties, religion and government.
Salman Rushdie Is Knighted By The Queen
Indonesia Backs Sharia Law, Poll Shows
Forsake Lipstick 'To Avoid Rape'
Algeria Court To Rule Next Week In Trial Of Christian Converts
See also:
Muslims should be free to convert, says cardinal, after death threats
Saudi Arrests 700 Islamists Plotting 'Oil Attacks'
Afghanistan Blast Kills 3 Coalition Soldiers
See also:
Rise in Taliban attacks worries U.S.
GAO Audit: $6B To Pakistan, For What?
Iraq Blast Kills 23, Including 3 Marines
See also:
3 U.S. Troops Dead In Northern Iraq Blast
American grad student dies in Iraq
Iraqi military to take control of Anbar province
For Iraqi Christians, Money Bought Survival
Israeli Cabinet To Consider Swap With Hezbollah
See also:
Israel closes Gaza crossings
Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran
Lander Finds Conditions For Life On Mars
See also:
Moon-Bound NASA Spacecraft Passes Major Preflight Tests
Accidental Discovery Could Enable Development Of Faster Computers
Neuroscientists Discover A Sense Of Adventure
See also:
How Switching Language Can Change Your Personality
New Fossils Of Extremely Primitive 4-Legged Creatures Close The Gap Between Fish And Land Animals
See also:
Huge Genome-Scale Phylogenetic Study Of Birds Rewrites Evolutionary Tree-of-life
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
"The Family"
Listen by clicking on one of the related audio links HERE.
Humanists File Legal Brief In Summum Case: No Permanent Religion In Public Parks
"It's a question of fairness," said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. "If you allow one religious display, to be fair you must allow them all. But government shouldn't be in the religious display business, and there are too many religions to be able to do that anyway. Churches, mosques and synagogues should erect their own displays on their own property and let the government worry about governance."
The case brings up 1st Amendment concerns of government endorsement of religion. According to the AHA's legal brief, "By itself, the text of the Ten Commandments sends an overwhelmingly religious message, and the context in which the monument is displayed here only heightens the effect of government endorsement of this message."
The brief also addresses the legal question of equal access. "The display of the Ten Commandments sends the message to nonadherents of Judeo-Christian religions that they are not full members of the political community... Although the Supreme Court has characterized a nearly identical Ten Commandments monument as nothing more than 'acknowledgement' of the role played by religion, there is no principled or neutral way to decide which beliefs are deserving of the government's 'acknowledgment' and which are not."
"We had two purposes for writing this brief," said Bob Ritter, coordinator of the Appignani Humanist Legal Center, the legal arm of the American Humanist Association. "Our first priority was to inform the Court that public parks are not permanent public forums for donated permanent monuments. Although monuments erected on public land may have been donated by a private donor, by virtue of government taking ownership and control of such displays, they represent government-endorsed speech and not the free speech of the donor."
Other organizations signing on to the Amicus Brief include The American Ethical Union, Atheist Alliance International, the Institute for Humanist Studies, the Secular Student Alliance, the Society for Humanistic Judaism, and the Unitarian Universalist Association.
See also:
Americans United Files Brief In Supreme Court Religious Display Case
State/Church Watchdog Asks AG To Investigate, Enjoin Sale Of Holmen Star Hill Site
Teaching Not Preaching In CA Bible Belt
But unlike any other place, religion is a required course in high school here.
States Refusing Grants For Abstinence Education
The Myth Of The Moral Majority
See also:
Americans religious, not rigid, study finds
New Discovery Proves 'Selfish Gene' Exists
See also:
Evolutionarily Preserved Signature Found In The Primate Brain
Scientists Fix Bugs In Our Understanding Of Evolution
Sarcasm Seen as Evolutionary Survival Skill
Science Is Not Philosophy
It may be a sublime idea worthy of religious and philosophical contemplation, but it fails to meet the definition of science. It can't be proven and it can't be tested. Complaining that science won't take ID seriously is like grieving the fact that mathematicians won't consider a flower pot to be a number.
Philadelphia Set To Honor Darwin And Evolution
See also:
How Darwin won the evolution race
Ex-Traffic Cop Says He's Jesus
Cracks Begin To Show At Summit Discussing Gay Clergy Rift
Australian Group Plans Protest Over Pope's Visit
See also:
World Youth Day condom protest against Pope
Girl missing since 1983 was kidnapped on Vatican archbishop's orders, police told
Saudi Marriage Officiant : 'It Is Allowed To Marry A Girl At The Age Of One'
Female Circumcision: A Tradition Steeped In Blood
Young Muslims 'Are Turning To Extremism'
In Algeria, A Tug Of War For Young Minds
Routing Of Fighters Brings Anxious Calm To Kandahar
See also:
55 Afghan Militants Killed, Coalition Says
Afghanistan foreign troop deaths in June exceed those in Iraq
U.S. Forces in Afghanistan Streched Thin
From Afghanistan, NATO Shells Militants in Pakistan
22 Bodies Found Along Pakistan Road
See also:
Five killed as religious groups clash in Khyber
Pakistan's Dangerous Turn
Report: $6 billion in aid to Pakistan poorly tracked
U.S. Embassy Staff, Soldiers Killed In Baghdad Blast
See also:
3 U.S. troops, interpreter killed in Iraq
U.S.-allied Iraqi politician kills 2 U.S. troops, wounds 4
Gunman in Iraq kills 2 American soldiers, wounds 4
GI Killed In Ambush Outside Baghdad
Iraq crackdown in Amarah continues; harassment alleged
Freed Of Militias, Basra Has New Problems
Daily Life in Sadr City, Iraq
Battle shapes up over future of US role in Iraq
Iraq Through the Looking Glass(es)
First Violation Of Israeli, Hamas Truce Reported
See also:
Sarkozy challenges Israel over Jerusalem
Israeli police: Suicide sparks Sarkozy scare
Israeli rights group says military abusing Palestinian detainees after arrest
Violent clashes continue in northern Lebanon
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Award-Winning Comedian George Carlin Dies
See also:
GEORGE CARLIN DEAD AT 71 -- Comedian, Critic, Atheist
Carlin on Religion (YouTube video)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Yesterday and Today...
Yesterday was the Summer Solstice. AP covered the "Druids, New Agers and people just looking for a party" that converged for Summer Solstice At Stonehenge.
Also see:
Scientific reasons for Earth's seasons
Summer solstice celebrations:ancient and modern
Bright Chunks At Phoenix Lander's Mars Site Must Have Been Ice
Report Rules Out Subatomic Doomsday
We Urgently Need Your Help Now!!
Lawsuit Filed Over 'I Believe' Plates In S.C.
See also:
Americans United Files Lawsuit Challenging South Carolina's 'I Believe' License Plate
Watchdog Asks Wisconsin Assembly to Stop Praying
See also:
FFRF Asks Immigration Office to Drop Religious Oath for Naturalized Citizens
Pastors Challenge Law, Endorse Candidates From Pulpit
Rapture-Ready Evangelicals Impersonate Army Officers
'Pro-Life' Drugstores Market Beliefs
See also:
Poll Finds Scant Support for Criminalising Abortion
World Publics Reject Criminal Penalties for Abortion
The Mother, The Child, The School Board And The Psychic
Teen's Death Blamed On Faith Healing
Science Teacher Dissed Evolution
The report confirmed that Freshwater burned crosses onto students' arms, using an electrostatic device, in December.
See also:
Teacher Accused of Branding Kid With Cross
See also:
Charles Darwin: 'Is man an ape or an angel?'
On the Origin of a Theory
Darwinists for Jesus
Gay Brains Structured Like Those Of The Opposite Sex
See also:
Male Homosexuality Can Be Explained Through A Specific Model Of Darwinian Evolution, Study Shows
California set for summer of love as court reverses gay marriage ban
Hardline Archbishops Declare Anglican Split
See also:
Anglican church in meltdown over gays and women
500 clergy set to desert Church over 'betrayal' on women bishops
Are the Anglicans About to Split?
Gay priest resigns after furore over church blessing
More than half of Britons think Christianity is likely to have disappeared from the country within a century, according to a survey
Saudi Arabia Arrests Alleged Gays In Raid
Iran Police Shut Clothes Shops, Hairdressers In Crackdown On Un-Islamic Dress And Hairstyles
See also:
Bahais detained in Iran contact families
Catholic Church And Academics Battle Over University
Polish Chaplain Decries Religious Rhetoric
MPs Hear Sobering Testimony Of Religious Prosecution
In one instance, MPs heard how 300 Christian girls were raped. In another, they were told how 7,000 Egyptians were imprisoned for their faith.
But perhaps the most poignant moment was a Pakistani Christian father describing, on video tape, how his four-year-old daughter had been raped and left unconscious by the roadside after he refusing demands to convert his family to Islam.
See also:
Canada has apologised for forcing about 150,000 aboriginal children to attend state-funded Christian boarding schools aimed at assimilating them
Church not ready for sexual abuse apology: Quebec archbishop
Muslim Countries Win Concession Regarding Religious Debates
Hindu Man Set On Fire In East London 'For Dating Muslim Girl'
Radical Indian Politician Calls For Hindu Suicide Bombers To Target Muslims
See also:
Hindus upset over Hollywood film
Bali Bomber Warns Of Al Qaeda Attacks
See also:
TV Anchor Freed By Al Qaeda Militants
Abu Qatada: Islamic Cleric Is Released From Jail
See also:
Terrorise the non-believers, orders 'Bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe' after he is freed on bail
Five NATO Troops Killed In Afghanistan
See also:
Blast Kills 10 Afghans In Helmand Province
Deadly suicide blast hits south Afghanistan
Old-Line Taliban Commander Is Face of Rising Afghan Threat
Taliban Seizes Seven Afghan Villages
Afghan Officials Say Taliban Stand Crushed
NATO, Afghan Troops Kill 36 Taliban
Taliban prep for battle outside Kandahar
The Afghan war worsens
The Youngest Terrorists
U.S.: Shiite Cell Possibly Involved In Deadly Iraq Blast
See also:
51 killed in huge Baghdad car bomb
Amara: The Next Battleground
In Iraq's South, a Mission Has Dual Aims
Iraq goes after Shiite militants near Iran
Iraqi Troops Arrest Senior Sadrist
Survey says 500,000 Iraqis fled fighting in 2007
Resort rising in semi-autonomous northern Iraq
U.S. Says Israeli Exercise Seemed Directed At Iran
See also:
Israel prepares to strike Iran
Israeli air exercise may be message to Iran
Is Israel Poised To Attack Iran?
U.N.: Bomb Iran and face Mideast 'ball of fire'
Ceasefire Begins In Gaza After One Year Of Blockade
See also:
Truce takes effect between Israel and militants in Gaza
Israelis, Palestinians battle in hours before truce
Hamas announces 6-month truce with Israel
Israel confirms truce with Hamas
Israel, Hamas watch to see if truce will hold
Your last chance: Israel's warning
IDF to redeploy troops from Gaza if truce holds
Israel brushes aside U.S. pressure over statehood deal
Rights group camera catches men beating Palestinian shepherds
U.S.: Two Venezuelans Are Supporting Terrorism
Monday, June 16, 2008
Bishops Hold Back Progress, Say Humanists
In response, the American Humanist Association warned against the harm to the common good that would result from any delays caused by the bishops' statement. "Once again the Roman Catholic Church has made medieval doctrine a stumbling block to medical and social progress," declared Fred Edwords, the organization's director of communications. "The Church routinely decries science in the name of life. But stem cell research is already on its way to developing breakthrough treatments for devastating diseases. And if we ever hope to see real progress against diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's syndrome, we need to set aside the outdated condemnations of a faith that is becoming less relevant with each passing day. The position of the bishops is in fact anti-life when it impedes the search for real, here-and-now cures to terminal illnesses."
As stated in the following resolution of the American Humanist Association, passed at its meeting Wednesday, June 4 in Washington DC, "The American Humanist Association supports research utilizing stem cells from embryonic as well as other sources and federal funding for such research commensurate with its potential to advance scientific knowledge and lead to the development of novel therapies. Further, we encourage the development of ethical guidelines for such applications through the use of reason rather than religious or political doctrine."
AHA President Mel Lipman, added "Humanists value human life, and believe that every person has inherent worth and is entitled to be treated with dignity and compassion. Humanists do not see a moral equivalence between a cluster of unformed cells and living, breathing human beings. It is therefore our obligation to support research that could have a positive impact on the lives of millions around the world."
The full statement appears below.
Adopted by the Board of Directors
June 2008
Inspired by compassion and informed by reason, Humanists are committed to the treatment of each person as having inherent worth and dignity. In recognizing the potential of the medical and biological sciences to improve human lives through the cure of debilitating diseases, amelioration of suffering, and reduction of the consequences of aging, Humanists oppose efforts to constrain the advance of beneficial scientific research on the basis of religious or political dogma.
WHEREAS research using human embryonic stem cells holds great potential for treatment of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and other debilitating afflictions, and
WHEREAS stem cells possess the remarkable capacity to differentiate into any somatic tissue, thus creating an unprecedented wealth of potential investigative and therapeutic applications and
WHEREAS the derivation of additional stem cell lines will greatly facilitate important research and its translation into therapeutic benefit and
WHEREAS stem cells derived from preimplantation blastocysts are the most plentiful source of such stem cell lines and
WHEREAS embryos obtained or derived for research or therapeutic purposes with the informed consent of the donor are not destined for personhood and have no independent moral status and
WHEREAS embryonic stem cells derived from the process commonly referred to as "Therapeutic Cloning" (the transfer of a somatic cell nucleus into an enucleated egg) as well as stem cells obtained by the manipulation of somatic cells by artificial means may have particular value in regenerative medicine by providing cells that are a perfect match for patients
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the American Humanist Association supports research utilizing stem cells from embryonic as well as other sources and federal funding for such research commensurate with its potential to advance scientific knowledge and lead to the development of novel therapies. Further, we encourage the development of ethical guidelines for such applications through the use of reason rather than religious or political doctrine.
Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism, affirms our responsibility to lead ethical lives of value to self and humanity.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Christian Theologians Prepare For Extraterrestrial Life
Scientists Confirm That Parts Of Earliest Genetic Material May Have Come From The Stars
See also:
Life's Raw Materials Came From Stars?
International Mission Studying Sun To Conclude
Phoenix Mars Lander Inspects Delivered Soil Samples
Regional Revival Tackles Community Standards
Ala. Senator To Propose "I Believe" License Plate
"It would send a message that the government in Alabama believes in faith and family," Sen. Hank Erwin of Montevallo said.
Senator Hank Erwin: God judging U.S. with disastrous hurricanes
Illinois Man Changes Name To 'In God We Trust'
Children's Rights Trump Religious Beliefs: Judge
Israel-Hamas Peace (Quietly) At Hand?
See also:
Gaza: A year under Hamas
Four U.S. Troops Killed In Afghan Blast
See also:
Afghan official: 870 inmates escaped from prison
Afghan forces hunt escaped Taliban prisoners
15 militants killed in search for Afghan prisoner escapees
A Sober Assessment of Afghanistan
Sex Trade Thrives In Afghanistan
Karzai Threatens To Invade Pakistan
Female Suicide Bomber Strikes Iraqi Soccer Fans
See also:
Female suicide bomber strikes soccer fans in Iraq
Sadr Launches his Election Campaign
The Long Life Of The Frontier Mullah
Friday, June 13, 2008
Godless Interstate

During The IHEU 17th World Humanist Congress And The AHA 67th Annual National Conference held in Washington, DC last week (see post below), our billboard in Philly received more press coverage....
On the first day of the conference (June 5), the Philadelphia Inquirer had an article in their local section (B2) that took up almost half the top of the page. It was also on the home page of their website ( that day.
The article is online here: A word for nonbelievers
[Be sure to vote on their related online poll.]
FOX News picked up the story nationally the next day.
Video of the coverage can be found here: Godless Interstate
Steve Rade, the man being interviewed by the Philadelphia Inquirer and FOX News in the coverage above, donated the $22,500 needed to mount the billboard for three months, and is a key member of the coalition effort PhillyCoR, the Greater Philadelphia Coalition of Reason, which includes the American Humanist Association and it's independent marketing adjunct FreeThoughtAction, Atheist Alliance International, the Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia, the Humanist Association of Greater Philadelphia, and Temple University Secular Students.
See also:
"Imagine No Religion" Billboard Campaign Visits Denver for Two Months
The IHEU 17th World Humanist Congress And The AHA 67th Annual National Conference
Over 500 participants gathered in our nation's capital for an exciting four-day conference filled with breakout sessions, plenaries, panel discussions, and award ceremonies honoring such Humanists as Rep. Pete Stark, Jamie Raskin, Matthew LaClair, Judge John E. Jones, Eleanor Smeal, Carolyn Porco, and Philip Pullman. Attendees were also treated to a surprise keynote speech by Christopher Hitchens on the final day of the conference.
During the event, Representative Pete Stark was named 2008 Humanist of the Year and
Humanism got a Million Dollar Boost from Louis Appignani.
The American Humanist Association thanks all who attended.
Humanists Applaud U.S. Supreme Court For Upholding Detainee Rights
"This is a great reaffirmation of the rule of law against a runaway executive branch," commented Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. "The Bush Administration's policies toward detainees have been both inhumane and un-American. Holding people indefinitely without trial, practicing torture, and trying to make an end run on the Constitution aren't what America is about. This is not what our country stands for. Thankfully the High Court agrees."
The ruling not only declared that detainees have rights under the U.S. Constitution but that the current system of classification of "enemy combatant" and review is inadequate. The court has twice ruled that detainees can challenge their detention in civilian court. The Bush Administration and a then Republican controlled Congress have previously argued that detainees have no rights and aren't entitled to civilian court hearings. In today's ruling, the court specifically struck down a provision of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 that denied habeas corpus rights to detainees.
"Habeas corpus is one of the most fundamental aspects of our legal system," added Mel Lipman, a constitutional attorney and president of the American Humanist Association. "And we're pleased that the Court also acted to prevent further delay in this case, given that some of these detainees have been behind bars for more than six years now. But it remains for the Court to firmly recognize that the principle of habeas corpus must be extended to all persons in our detention, regardless of the extraordinary conditions of the times. The Constitution can't be suspended just because we're engaged in an undeclared war against non-state actors."
Justices Anthony Kennedy, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter and John Paul Stevens formed the majority opinion. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas dissented.
Approximately 270 detainees are currently at Guantanamo held on ties to al-Qaeda and suspicion of terrorism.
See also:
Justices: Gitmo detainees can challenge detention in U.S. courts
Supreme Court: Guantanamo Detainees Have Habeas Rights
Supreme Court ruling could free scores from Guantanamo
Detention Camp Remains, but Not Its Rationale
Somewhat related:
How Germany Is Dismantling Civil Rights amid Terror Fears
Conservative Political Courage in England
Creationist Bill Passed By Louisiana House Of Representatives
See also:
The new Louisiana Coalition for Science
Europe's Last Witch Pardoned By State
The decision to exonerate Anna Goeldi, executed in 1782, came after a long debate in the Swiss state. It was initially blocked by local authorities and the Protestant Church.
See also:
Deadly Hunt For 'Witches' Haunts Kenya Villagers - Mob of more than 100 kills 15
Today Is Friday The 13th, But Should You Be Worried?
The number 13 is said to come from the number of apostles attending the ill-fated Last Supper, while Friday is a day of blackness because that's the day the crucifixion took place. Another school of thought contends that the tradition came from a single event -- the slaughter of the Knights Templar in France on Friday, October 13, 1307.
See also:
Texas Sect Leader: Doomsday Begins Thursday, June 12
A Brief History Of The Unicorn
Interesting books on the subject:
"The Lore of the Unicorn" by Odell Shepard
"Unicorn -- Myth and Reality" by Rudiger Robert Beer
And just for fun...
"Unicornis" by Michael Green and James J. O'Donnell (Fantasy, Art)
"The Last Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle (Fantasy)
Group Asks Court To Halt Gay Marriage
Naked Jogging Priest Found Guilty Of Indecent Exposure
Education And Civil Liberties Groups Assert That Tax Commission Overstepped Its Bounds In Attacking State Constitution
The amendments would permit voucher subsidies for religious and other private schools in Florida and eliminate the state constitution's language barring tax aid to religion. The result would be that houses of worship and religious schools would receive massive new streams of public funding. The measures were engineered onto the ballot through backdoor political maneuvering by former Gov. Jeb Bush, an ardent advocate of taxpayer aid to churches and church schools.
Religious Clashes Erupt In India
Terror Accused 'Wanted To Set Up Islamic State In Scotland'
Al-Sadr: New Force To Fight U.S. In Iraq
See also:
Iraq Says Talks on Pact With U.S. at Impasse
Maliki says talks over U.S. troop presence at an impasse
Militias Gone From Basra But Fear, Apprehension Remain
Afghan Suicide Blast Hits U.S. Troops
Six Killed In Northern Gaza Blast
See also:
Gaza Cease-Fire Talks Falter Amid Violence
One In Five Religious Persons Visit Church, Mosque Weekly
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Texas Sect Leader: Doomsday Begins Thursday, June 12
See also:
Christian service 'sends email from the dead'
Document storage and "Rapture" triggered email messaging system
The day of judgment
Put A Little Science In Your Life
Hints Of 'Time Before Big Bang'
See also:
Hints of structure beyond the visible universe
Trailer For Religulous
More humor:
Regime change in heaven
Promotion Of Religion Is Not Legislators' Job, Say Civil Liberties Groups
See also:
IRS Should Investigate Minnesota Church For Electioneering, Says Americans United
Calif. Polygamist Convicted Of Torturing 19 Kids
Woman Says Jesus Told Her To Kill Her Husband
Report: Troubling Texts At Va. Islamic School
Stanton Council Ousts Mayor, Apparently Over Prayer Flap
Will Smith's Scientology School
One In Four Don't Believe In God, Poll Finds
The Great Evangelical Decline
And unless God provides a miracle, the trends will continue. The denomination's growth rate has been declining since the 1950s. The conservative/fundamentalist takeover 30 years ago was supposed to turn the trend around; it didn't make a bit of difference.
See also:
Shrinking Flock Examines Its Identity
A New Step In Evolution
See also:
Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
Complex Synapses Drove Brain Evolution
New Way To Think About Earth's First Cells
Loyal to Its Roots
Opponents Of Evolution Adopting A New Strategy
Now a battle looms in Texas over science textbooks that teach evolution, and the wrestle for control seizes on three words. None of them are "creationism" or "intelligent design" or even "creator."
The words are "strengths and weaknesses."
See also:
Debating creationism in Louisiana schools
Analysis of SB 733: 'LA Science Education Act'
Louisiana Will Face Lawsuit If New Law Brings Religion Into Public School Science Classes, Says Americans United
The Cons of Creationism
Darwin still causing waves after 150 years
Creationist Theme Park Plan Stirs Up Locals
Indian School Names Monkey God Chairman
See also:
Widow throws party to find place in heaven
Albinos, Long Shunned, Face Threat In Tanzania
Couple Charged In Norway Over Genital Mutilation Of 5 Daughters
EGYPT: Parliament criminalizes female circumcision
Al-Qaida Threatens Norway
The 14-Year-Old Afghan Suicide Bomber
See also:
'I Wish I Had the Taliban as My Soldiers' says President Hamid Karzai
Australia calls for 10,000 more troops in Afghanistan
Analysis: May was Afghanistan's most violent month
Security Reports Show a Country in Crisis With Number of U.S. Troops Killed Rising
Fear, disillusion and despair: notes from a divided land as peace slips away
Afghanistan Unraveling
Militants' Rise In Pakistan Points To Opportunity Lost
See also:
Taliban Leader Flaunts Power Inside Pakistan
Pakistani Taliban likely behind Danish embassy blast: officials
6 Dead After Pakistan Embassy Blast
2nd Blast This Week Kills 3 In Pakistan
Musharraf Resists Pressure To Quit
Pagan sect at Pakistan border lives amid conservative Muslims