During The IHEU 17th World Humanist Congress And The AHA 67th Annual National Conference held in Washington, DC last week (see post below), our billboard in Philly received more press coverage....
On the first day of the conference (June 5), the Philadelphia Inquirer had an article in their local section (B2) that took up almost half the top of the page. It was also on the home page of their website (www.philly.com) that day.
The article is online here: A word for nonbelievers
[Be sure to vote on their related online poll.]
FOX News picked up the story nationally the next day.
Video of the coverage can be found here: Godless Interstate
Steve Rade, the man being interviewed by the Philadelphia Inquirer and FOX News in the coverage above, donated the $22,500 needed to mount the billboard for three months, and is a key member of the coalition effort PhillyCoR, the Greater Philadelphia Coalition of Reason, which includes the American Humanist Association and it's independent marketing adjunct FreeThoughtAction, Atheist Alliance International, the Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia, the Humanist Association of Greater Philadelphia, and Temple University Secular Students.
See also:
"Imagine No Religion" Billboard Campaign Visits Denver for Two Months