Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Rep. Riddle Expands Legislative Agenda To Include Texas Pledge

AUSTIN - State Representative Debbie Riddle (R- District 150) filed legislation yesterday that would put the phrase "under God" into the Texas pledge.

"The pledge to our nation's flag has long since recognized that we are one nation, under God," Riddle said. "It only seems fitting that the pledge to the flag of our great state, which once stood as a symbol of the Republic of Texas, would make the same recognition."

Under the proposal, HB 1034, the pledge would read "I pledge allegiance to the thee, Texas, one state under God and indivisible."

Representative Richard Raymond (D- Laredo) and Senator Dan Patrick (R- Houston) have already passed measures this session to mandate that both houses of the legislature post the motto "In God We Trust" in their respective chambers.
