Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Law takes a beating in NC voucher saga

Schools receiving tax dollars are not required under the statute to be accredited by any state or national agency, to hire teachers who are licensed or have any stated set of credentials, to meet any meaningful curriculum standards, to demonstrate any level of student achievement or to show they won’t discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, disability or religion.

Such is our fervor to turn over scarce education funds to 700 private, mostly religious, schools without a whiff of accountability. All that is demanded is they not be deemed "public." No matter what nonsense (or venom) they teach, we stand ready to subsidize it.

MORE: http://www.newsobserver.com/2014/06/21/3952326/gene-nichol-law-takes-a-beating.html

See also...

Vouchers lottery gives NC students public money for private school

NC voucher applications show pitfalls of using public money for private schools


North Carolina Enacts Law Protecting Student Prayer in Public Schools