Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Constitution Shmonstitution: Indiana Senator Wants Lord's Prayer In Public Schools

Kruse's agenda is clear: make public schools into factories that turn out indoctrinated children. What he doesn't realize is that increasingly fewer Americans agree with him.

Philip Schwadel, a sociologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, studied data from 1974-2010 and found that since the mid-1970s, overall support for school-sponsored prayer has fallen sharply. In his soon-to-be published study, Schwadel noted that Roman Catholics and mainline Protestants now support school prayer at much lower rates than they did 35 years ago.

The one group that remains unwavering on official prayer in schools? Evangelical Christians, who support it to the tune of more than 70 percent.

MORE: https://www.au.org/blogs/wall-of-separation/constitution-shmonstitution-indiana-senator-wants-lord-s-prayer-in-public

See also...

Study: Generational changes cause drop in school-prayer support