(November 26, 1922 - February 12, 2000)
According to Wikipedia, Schulz "was a 20th-century American cartoonist best known worldwide for his Peanuts comic strip....
"Peanuts ran for nearly 50 years without interruption and appeared in more than 2,600 newspapers in 75 countries....
"Schulz, reared in the Lutheran faith, had been active in the Church of God (Anderson) as a young adult and then later taught Sunday school at a United Methodist Church. But, he remained a member of the Church of God (Anderson) until his death.
"In an interview in the late 1980s, however, Schulz stated that his philosophical views had evolved over the years: 'I do not go to church anymore... I guess you might say I've come around to secular humanism, an obligation I believe all humans have to others and the world we live in.'"