Monday, December 31, 2007
The Outer Solar System Remains Mysterious
See also:
Space shots: New worlds
Same-Sex Couples Ready For N.H. Civil Unions
Pakistan Elections Likely To Be Delayed
See also:
New video appears to show Bhutto being shot
Lawyer: Police prevented Bhutto autopsy
U.S. reportedly urged Bhutto to be more careful
At Least 16 Dead In Attacks In Iraq
In the deadliest attack, a truck bomb exploded at a checkpoint manned by neighborhood security volunteers in the Tarmiya area north of Baghdad. The blast killed at least five volunteers, who are members of a Sunni Arab tribe that has turned against the insurgency in recent months. At least four children were also killed in the explosion. Tarmiya was once a stronghold of the Sunni Arab insurgency.
In the restive Diyala province 60 miles north of the capital explosions killed five people and a woman detonated an explosive vest wounding at least five people in Baquba.
See also:
U.S. troops target al Qaeda suspects, killing six
2007 was deadliest year for U.S. troops in Iraq
Iraq Progresses To Some Of Its Worst
Iraq marks one year since Hussein's execution
Petraeus: Iraq security fragile, gains reversible
"Analysis: Violence in Abrahamic faiths"
Men Jailed In Sudan For Selling Book On Mohammed's Child-Bride
See also:
Submission, 'Part 1' (YouTube Video)
Northern Iraqi women increasingly attempting suicide
Iraqi Refugees Turn to Sex Trade In Syria
Malaysia Reverses Allah Paper Ban
Vatican Denies Exorcist Expansion
Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on Satan
A War On Science
See also:
The Top 10 Intelligent Designs (or Creation Myths)
Monkey, Business
Shermer easily demolishes another myth about both evolution and economics: that both depend exclusively on cutthroat, bloody-handed "survival of the fittest" competition to weed out the weakest creatures and companies. While competition obviously plays a vital part in the markets and in evolution, both primates and markets have evolved to depend on cooperation. Just as those among our hunter-gatherer ancestors who couldn't cooperate in small societies risked punishment, including exile and death, today's citizens, including top business executives, cooperate and complement each other across industry to serve customers as readily as they compete within a particular industry. People who can't cooperate often face exile from the business world.
It is possible to be moral without God by Bishop Richard Harries
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Purported Bin Laden Message Has Warnings For Iraq, Israel
'In God' Returning To $1 Coin Prominence
'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid Of 666 Phone Prefix
Malaysia Faces Christian Outcry Over Word "Allah"
Friday, December 28, 2007
Jets Spiral In 'Reverse Whirlpool' From Star
[His noodly appendage?]
See also:
The Winter Sky: Planets, Stars and Cool Shapes
Ancient Pyramid Found In Central Mexico City
Mexican archeologists found the ruins, which are about 36 feet high, in the central Tlatelolco area, once a major religious and political center for the Aztec elite.
Making A Martyr Of Bhutto
See also:
Main suspects are warlords and security forces
Slain Bhutto's supporters take anger to the streets
U.S. Checking al Qaeda Claim of Killing Bhutto
Pakistan accuses al Qaeda of killing Bhutto
Pakistan: al-Qaida Behind Bhutto Killing
U.S. suspects Taliban leader behind Bhutto plot
Grief, anger after a voice is stilled
How did Pakistan's Bhutto die?
Bhutto Conspiracy Theories Fill the Air
More than 30 dead in Bhutto protests
Obituary: Benazir Bhutto, 54, Weathered Political Storm
U.S. fears spillover into Afghanistan
U.S.-Led Forces Target Militants
And a hidden bomb exploded inside a minibus in eastern Baghdad's Baladiyat neighborhood Thursday morning, killing two passengers, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said.
See also:
Car bomb in Baghdad market kills 14
Bin Laden To Send Web Message On Iraq
Iraqi hairdressers forced underground
Brad Stine's 'GodMen': Promise Keepers On Steroids
Priests Brawl At Bethlehem Birthplace Of Jesus
Following the Christmas celebrations, Greek Orthodox priests set up ladders to clean the walls and ceilings of their part of the church, which is built over the site where Jesus Christ is believed to have been born.
But the ladders encroached on space controlled by Armenian priests, according to photographers who said angry words ensued and blows quickly followed.
For a quarter of an hour bearded and robed priests laid into each other with fists, brooms and iron rods while the photographers who had come to take pictures of the annual cleaning ceremony recorded the whole event.
A dozen unarmed Palestinian policemen were sent to try to separate the priests, but two of them were also injured in the unholy melee.
Carl Sagan's COSMOS Begins Airing On Jan 8th
What We Believe: Atheism
'Gospel Of Wealth' Facing Scrutiny
Russia Prohibits Denial Of Santa
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Polk Needled, Noodled In Evolution Flap
Ask the Polk County School Board. The panel made news last month when five of its seven members declared a personal belief in the concept of intelligent design, the religiously based explanation of the development of life believed in by many Christians.
Four of those five sympathetic board members said they would like to see intelligent design taught in Polk schools as an alternative to Darwinian evolution, at a time when new state standards mentioning evolution by name for the first time are under consideration.
Just like that, it appeared the Darwin wars had found their newest battlefield.
Yet a few weeks later, the controversy is dying with a whimper. There's no board support for a challenge to the proposed standards. Some of the five school board members blame the local newspaper for trying to start a fight.
"It's not our agenda," said Tim Harris, one of the board members. "My personal opinion and how I vote don't always jibe."
What happened? You can start with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The satirical religious Web site asserts that an omnipotent, airborne clump of spaghetti intelligently designed all life with the deft touch of its "noodly appendage." Adherents call themselves Pastafarians. They deluged Polk school board members with e-mail demanding equal time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism's version of intelligent design.
"They've made us the laughingstock of the world," said Margaret Lofton, a school board member who supports intelligent design. She dismissed the e-mail as ridiculous and insulting.
USA TODAY: Year In Science Review
See also:
The enduring mysteries of comets
International robotic rivalry in space
Modern beetles predate dinosaurs
Laptop project enlivens Peruvian village
More Than 8 Out Of 10 Americans Identify With A Christian Faith
Neport breaks it down: "51% who said they were Protestant, 5% who were "other Christian," 23% Roman Catholic, and 3% who named another Christian faith, including 2% Mormon."
Coming in at 11% were those who claimed no religious identity at all, and another 2% didn't answer.
Time has shown a shift in religious camps. The new Gallup shows that the percentage of Americans who identify with a Christian religion is down some over the decades.
It is due to the higher percentage of Americans today who don't claim a religious identity.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Two Bombs Hit Iraqi Cities Killing At Least 34
Monday, December 24, 2007
MRFF Vs. The Campus Crusade For Christ
This report contains details about the Campus Crusade Military Ministry hierarchy, their goal (which they're already well on their way to achieving) of using our military to create "government-paid missionaries for Christ," and a number of quotes from this organization. Much of this story is about two Campus Crusade videos, one filmed at the Air Force Academy, and the Campus Crusade program of indoctrinating basic trainees through their "gateway" ministry at Fort Jackson, the largest Army basic training facility.
The Anti-Crusader
Disquiet Over Schools' Moment Of Silence
FFRF Files Suit Against Green Bay Creche
The Freedom From Religion Foundation v. City of Green Bay includes 12 individual plaintiffs of diverse religious and nonreligious views, and additionally names Green Bay City Council President Chad Fradette and Jim Schmitt, Mayor of Green Bay.
"Our legal action was driven by local residents," said Annie Laurie Gaylor, Foundation co-president. "Many Green Bay citizens contacted us over their dismay that city government would thumb its nose at the constitutional principle of state/church separation, and deliberately provoke a divisive controversy in Green Bay."
"We're grateful not just to our named plaintiffs, who include Foundation members, but also a Lutheran, a Buddhist, and a Unitarian Universalist, and to many others who volunteered to be part of the lawsuit if needed," said Foundation co-president Dan Barker.
The legal complaint spells out the chronology of the Green Bay violation, which involved the Council president vowing to place a nativity scene at city hall because the Foundation had complained about an unlawful nativity display in Pestigo, Wis.
"Council President Fradette deliberately used his public office to place an inherently Christian symbol prominently on government property at the entrance to City Hall, the principal location of local government, rather than on his private property, precisely in order to antagonize, offend and challenge those persons who object to the public sponsorship of religious symbols on public property."
The Complaint alleges an open records violation at the Dec. 11 meeting in which a committee chaired by Fradette approved his request to prominently place the nativity scene on the roof of the entrance.
"Public and private communications by the Defendants reflect their intent to provoke and marginalize persons who do not share their views regarding the public display and promotion of religion by the City," the Complaint adds.
The Complaint notes the subsequent vote by the City Council to place a moratorium on the public display of any religious symbols other than the Christian Nativity scene, which "preferentially conveys endorsement, promotion and/or advancement of religion."
Among the plaintiffs are Taku Ronsman and Wendy Coriell, who sought unsuccessfully to place other symbols at city hall, and Michael Bergman, who had expressed concern to the city over the Christian endorsement and wondered if he could display a Buddhist symbol to coincide with a major Buddhist holiday in May.
The Foundation Complaint charges that "objectors and dissenters are shown to be political outsiders and discouraged from challenging the official view that public sponsorship of religious displays is an appropriate exercise of government authority."
"The Defendants' actions constitute government speech deliberately intended to be broadcast as officially accepted dogma, and which hostile message is intentionally directed at political outsiders," the Complaint continues.
Besides the Foundation, plaintiffs are: Wendy Coriell, Michael Bergman, Gail and Wayne Vann, Taku Ronsman, James White, Jill White, Jeffrey Fondrliak, Robert Howe, Amy Wolf, Michael Maternowski and Angie Moon. (Note: The Complaint has a typo. Ms. Ronsman's first name is spelled "Taku.")
The Legal Complaint can be read at:
Muslims Could Be Key To Kenya Election
Mosque Besieged In Kashmir
Turks Foil Bomb Attack
In A Force For Iraqi Calm, Seeds Of Conflict
He said he was a member of a local Sunni "Awakening" group, paid by the American military to patrol the district, but he said it was another Awakening group that beat him. "They took me while I was working," he said, "and broke my badge and said, 'You are from Al Qaeda.'"
Dawkins To Preach Atheism To US
He is to embark on a lecture tour of 2,000-seater halls in the Bible Belt and the Midwest in the wake of the presidential primary season, which reaches its climax in early February.
Priest Who Committed Suicide For Rebirth Cremated
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Godless X-mas Party
The fun begins at 8:00 PM ET with special guests and a toll-free number you can call to share thoughts, gripes, suggestions and anything else on your mind relevant to the X-MAS season.
Dave Silverman, Communications Director for American Atheists and Fred Edwords, Contributing Editor at the American Humanist Association (AHA) will be guests.
Other guests will include:
ARLENE-MARIE, Michigan State Director, American Atheists
ED BUCKNER, Atlanta Freethought Society
TOM FLYNN, Council for Secular Humanism
It's all airing on the hot new internet radio program "Answers in Atheism" at . Call Toll Free 877.814.9287 or local 859.384.7000 , or email to
Edwin Kagin is National Legal Director for American Atheists. He and wife Helen Kagin are co-founders of Camp Quest, a national summer camp program for the children of Atheists, Freethinkers, Humanists and other non-believers.
Kagin On PBS News Hour
The program airs at different times throughout the country, but in the East the show is carried at 6:00 PM ET on most PBS channels. Check local listings, or visit for information on the station nearest you.
Scientists Inscribe Entire Bible On Head Of A Pin
Baby Jesus Statue Gets GPS For Christmas
"I don't anticipate this will ever happen again," said Dina Cellini, who oversees the display, "but we may need to rely on technology to save our savior."
See also:
He Died For Your Mastercard
Rampaging Santas strike New Zealand cinema
Shiite Leaders Oppose Expansion Of U.S.-Backed Citizens Groups
Abdulaziz al Hakim, the head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, became the latest Iraqi leader to raise concerns that the U.S.-financed groups, which are predominantly Sunni Muslim and known as awakening councils or "concerned local citizens," could become a potent army capable of challenging the U.S.-backed Shiite-dominated central government.
See also:
Sunni Fighters Need Political Role
Saudi Arrests 28 Terror Suspects
The announcement comes two days after the ministry said it arrested an unknown number of men after security forces foiled a plot to carry out a terror attack on holy sites outside Mecca. But Sunday's statement did not say whether the two arrests were related.
6 Dead In Northern Pakistan Attack
Thirteen soldiers and four civilians were also wounded in the attack in the town of Mingora in Swat district, where security forces have carried out several operations against followers of a pro-Taliban radical Islamic cleric, Maj. Gen. Waheed Arshad told The Associated Press.
See also:
After murder, Gaza's Christians keep low profile
Alone, Afraid, In the Company of Men Dreaming of Death
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Winter Solstice Today - 12/22/07
"The winter solstice occurs at the instant when the Sun's position in the sky is at its greatest angular distance on the other side of the equatorial plane as the observer. Depending on the shift of the calendar, the event of the Winter solstice occurs sometime between December 20 and 23 each year in the Northern hemisphere, and between June 20 and 23 in the Southern Hemisphere, and the winter solstice occurs during either the shortest day or the longest night of the year (not to be confused with the darkest day or nights). Though the Winter Solstice lasts an instant, the term is also used to refer to the full 24-hour period.
"Worldwide, interpretation of the event has varied from culture to culture, but most cultures have held a recognition of rebirth, involving holidays, festivals, gatherings, rituals or other celebrations around that time....
"On the night of Winter Solstice, as seen from a northern sky, the three stars in Orion's belt align with the brightest star in the Eastern sky Sirius to show where the Sun will rise in the morning after Winter Solstice. Until this time, the Sun has exhibited since Summer Solstice a decreasing arc across the Southern sky. On Winter Solstice, the Sun ceased to decline in the sky and the length of daylight reaches its minimum for three days. At such a time, the Sun begins its ascent and days grow longer. Thus the interpretation by many cultures of a sun reborn and a return to light. This return to light is again celebrated (at the vernal equinox, when the length of day equals that of night."
A partial list of holidays/festivals (past and present) occurring around the Winter Solstice:
Zagmuk, Sacaea. Saturnalia, Yuletide, Sankranti, Brumalia, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Hanukkah, Alban Arthuan/Midwinter, Finn's Day, Festival of Sol, Festival of the New Sun, Festival of Growth, Great Day of the Cauldron, Dong Zhi, Nollaig, Juul, Jul, Jiueis, Jol, Joulu, Joulupukki, Children's Day, Festival of Kronos, Kallikantzaroi, Karkantzaroi, Dazh Boh, Chaomos, Inti Raymi, Soyal, Sada, Touji, Geol, Feailly Geul, Modra-niht, Giuli, Iol, J--lmnu_r, Shass Greiney Geuree, Yn Ad-Gheurey, Divalia, Larentalia, Sigillaria, Midvinterblot, Touji, if Inti Raymi, Shabe-Yalda, Sviatki, Koleda, Choimus, Soyalangwul, Diwali, Sadeh, Adur-Jashan, Maidyarem, Shab e Cheleh, Novo Hel, Nollaig, Pongal, Modranetc, Yalda, Karachun, St. Thomas' Day, Christmas (Xmas), The Festival of the Long Night, Wintervil, Zamenhof Day, Festivus, Human Light, Chrismukkah, Giftmas, Newtonmas, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Lenaea (Festival of the Wild Women).
Some of the god-men that were supposedly born around this time:
Adonia, Attis, Baal, Dionysus, Helios, Hercules, Mithra, Osiris, Perseus, Theseus, Jesus, and King Arthur.
See also:
Dates and Times of Equinoxes and Solstices
Iraqi Gov't Pledges To Disband Sunnis
Santa On Cross Protests Commercialism
"Santa has been perverted from who he started out to be," Conrad said. "Now he's the person being used by corporations to get us to buy more stuff."
A photo of the crucified Santa adorns his Christmas cards, with the message "Santa died for your MasterCard."
Muslim Rite Of Sacrifice Collides With Law
They come to visit Eddie Rowe, a hog farmer.
The children typically run around among Rowe's loose chickens. The women prepare picnic sandwiches. And the patriarch of each family awaits his turn to slit the throat of a lamb or a goat that Rowe has sold him.
200 Protesters Turn Up To Support Capo Teacher
Eagle Scout Ordered To Take God Out Of Park Project
A jogger disagreed.
Griesinger designed and installed a series of 10 stones along the trail through the Stenger Athletic Complex. The first represents the sun and the rest are engraved with the names of the nine planets. The stones are spaced in proportion to the planets' actual distances from the sun. Pluto, the farthest stone, is about a half-mile from the starting point near 58th Avenue and Oak Street.
Griesinger also placed an 11th stone that he has been ordered to remove. The stone is engraved with a Bible verse that says, "The heavens declare the glory of God."
Hindus Protest Use Of Gods On Underwear
Bible Bashing Dying Out In Kansas
Survey Finds Most Americans Believe Jesus Born Of Virgin
--68 percent believed Jesus used five loaves of bread and two fish to feed a crowd of 5,000.
--64 percent believed the Earth was covered by a flood in which Noah, his family, and numerous animals were spared by living on an Ark.
--56 percent expressed literal belief in the Bible account of the devil, disguised a serpent, tempting Eve to eat forbidden fruit.
--49 percent accepted as accurate the Bible story of Samson losing his legendary strength when Delilah had his hair cut.
Friday, December 21, 2007
FreeThoughtAction Hero Of The Day - 12/21/07

According to Wikipedia, Zappa "was an American composer, musician, and film director. In a career spanning more than 30 years, Zappa established himself as a prolific and highly distinctive composer, electric guitar player and band leader. He worked in almost every musical genre and wrote music for rock bands, jazz ensembles, synthesizers and symphony orchestra, as well as musique concrete works constructed from pre-recorded, synthesized or sampled sources. In addition to his music recordings, he created feature-length and short films, music videos, and album covers....
"Zappa self-produced almost every one of the more than sixty albums he released with the Mothers of Invention or as a solo artist. He received multiple Grammy nominations and won for Best Rock Instrumental Performance in 1988 for the album Jazz from Hell. Zappa was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995, and received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997. In 2005, his 1968 album with the Mothers of Invention, We're Only in It for the Money, was inducted into the United States National Recording Preservation Board's National Recording Registry. The same year, Rolling Stone Magazine ranked him #71 on its list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. In 2007, his birthtown Baltimore declared August 9 official 'Frank Zappa Day' in his honor.
"Politically, Zappa was a self-proclaimed 'practical conservative', an avowed supporter of capitalism and independent business. He was also a strident critic of mainstream education and organized religion."
Some Zappa Quotes:
The biggest threat to America today is not Communism, it's moving America to a fascist theocracy.
My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can.
Scientology, how about that? You hold on to the tin cans and then this guy asks you a bunch of questions, and if you pay enough money you get to join the master race. How's that for a religion?
Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is THE BEST...
My theory is that music is good, it's the only religion that delivers the goods.
Military Evangelism Deeper, Wider Than First Thought
"Our purpose for Campus Crusade for Christ at the Air Force Academy is to make Jesus Christ the issue at the Air Force Academy and around the world," Blom says in the video. "They're government paid missionaries when they leave here."
Inmate Says He Needs Thor's Hammer, Drum
Celebrating With The Christkind
Saudis Foil Plot Against Muslim Pilgrims
The recent arrests indicate that al Qaeda and other Islamic extremists are still actively attempting to destabilize the monarchy, which holds a quarter of the world's proven oil reserves.
Hezbollah Slams Bush's 'Order'
The opposition refuses to recognize the legitimacy of Western-backed Prime Minister Fuad Saniora's government because its Shiite members resigned last year and the constitution requires that all sects be represented in the government.
Guantanamo Bay Detainee Accused In Terror Plot
Belgians Stop Al Qaeda Jail Break
Exit Her Majesty; Enter Militias
See also:
The Coming Fight for Northern Iraq
Kurds' power share row with Iraqi government
A Modest Proposal on Kirkuk
Torture Chamber Found In Iraq
See also:
Iraq 'torture complex' discovered
Iraq Bomber Aimed At Alcohol Sellers
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Historic Civil Rights Group Recognizes Nontheists' Struggle
Recognition that the nontheistic minority must be included in the struggle for civil rights marks a milestone. There are several religious groups within LCCR's coalition, but the Secular Coalition for America is the first nontheist (atheists, humanists, and other Americans without a god belief) group to be included. Both organizations agree that religious freedom as protected by the Bill of Rights must also include the freedom to practice no religion.
Secular Coalition Director, Lori Lipman Brown, said, "This decision says as much about the LCCR and its willingness to acknowledge and include nontheists as it does about the Secular Coalition and its recognition of our theistic allies who support our rights."
A total of eight groups were added to the LCCR's coalition at their most recent board meeting: Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN); Center for Responsible Lending; Citizen's Commission on Civil Rights; DC Vote; Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA), Matthew Shepard Foundation; Paralyzed Veterans of America; and the Secular Coalition for America.
Continued Display Of Nativity Scene Is Unconstitutional
The display, Americans United points out, amounts to an unconstitutional endorsement of religion by government. Although officials in the city initially allowed other religious symbols to be displayed on an overhang of the city hall, they have since voted to allow only the nativity scene to remain with several council members expressing the belief that the city should be able to endorse the religious aspects of Christmas.
Mars May Replace Rudolph Christmas Eve
See also:
Scientists say asteroid could hit Mars
Priest Pleads Not Guilty In Nude Jogging
Ask A Terrorist
See also:
Bin Laden chauffeur denied POW status
Deadly Bombings Mar Holiday In Iraq
Millions Stone The Devil
35 Killed In Pakistan Bomb Blast
Four Palestinians Killed In Fighting With Israelis
Report: More Libyans Joining Militants In Iraq
U.S. Military Academy researchers studying documents note the continuing predominance of Saudis among foreign fighters.
But an "apparent surge" in Libyans could be tied to "the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group's (LIFG) increasingly cooperative relationship with al Qaeda," a West Point report says.
Iran: Top Cleric Says Women Without Veils Must Die
Australian Terror Supporter Faces Restrictions After His Release
Hicks, a former kangaroo skinner who was convicted of supporting al Qaeda at a U.S. military tribunal after being captured in 2001 in Afghanistan, will be subject to a midnight-to-dawn curfew and will have to report to police three times a week under the order.
Boca Group Crusades To 'Keep Christ In Christmas'
Bishop's Broadside For The PC Brigade's 'Winter Festivals'
See also:
Bishop's warning to 'militant atheists'
Vatican Blasts "Golden Compass" As Godless And Hopeless
William Winstanley: The Man Who Saved Christmas
Three Wise Men Just Legend: Archbishop
The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams has picked apart elements of the Christmas story, including how a star rose high in the sky and stood still to guide the wise men to Jesus's birth place.
Stars simply don't behave like that, he told the BBC during an interview.
Whale 'Missing Link' Discovered
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Humanists Comment On Islam And The "Girl from Qatif"
"The pardon of the 'girl from Qatif' is very welcome news," said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. "For those who value religious moderation, it's also a beacon of hope. Hope, not just for we Americans who wish to release millions from the stranglehold of religious zealotry in the Middle East, but also hope for those oppressed by those regimes and dismayed to see such horrors perpetrated in the name of Islam."
As the world learns of the King Abdullah's pardon, the American Humanist Association issues "A Sensible Approach to Islam," setting forth a humanist viewpoint. It is also published in the January/February 2008 issue of the Humanist magazine, on newsstands now.
In the statement, the American Humanist Association draws attention to the faulty assumption that Islamist extremism represents Islam as a whole. Though it is true that this dangerous movement has ascended to political power in many countries, and that some Islamists have formed terrorist organizations, the statement contends that such extremists don't represent all Muslims. Moreover, "Generalizing Islam as entirely violent undermines the efforts of millions of Muslims and others who are struggling to challenge the rise of extremism." The statement goes on to say: "The American Humanist Association is opposed to both the activities of Islamic extremists and to the 'crusade' mentality rising in Western circles that condemns all Muslims indiscriminately."
Non-Muslims are called upon to resist prejudice and discrimination against Muslims in the United States and elsewhere. Islam and its various sects and divisions should be assessed objectively, the statement says, using the same standards that one would apply to all belief systems. For humanists this means showing support for all who advocate a democratic secular state with complete separation of religion and government.
Recently, in a New York Times opinion editorial, "Islam's Silent Moderates," Ayaan Hirsi Ali rightly lamented three tragic incidents in the Muslim world, one of which included the initial harsh sentence of the "girl from Qatif." The others include the sentencing of and violent protests against school teacher Gillian Gibbons in Sudan for naming a teddy bear "Muhammad," and the danger facing Taslima Nasrin, a women's rights activist, who has been on the run in India from Muslim militants who put a 500,000 rupees price on her head. Hirsi Ali criticizes moderate Muslims for not speaking out against these events.
But, in releasing "A Sensible Approach to Islam," American Humanist Association Vice President Carl Coon, former U.S. Ambassador to Nepal and one of the statement's authors, declares: "Ayaan Hirsi Ali doesn't give us the whole picture. Numerous moderate Muslims and Muslim organizations have come out against these developments and in support of the victims."
The "girl from Qatif" has been helped by human rights activists across the Middle East, and her story has been reported on sympathetically by several newspapers within Saudi Arabia, which undoubtedly influenced King Abdullah, who pardoned her. In addition, Gillian Gibbons has been supported by many Muslims, including the Sudanese president, and the Muslim Council of Britain, who criticized Gibbons' arrest. Similarly, there have been demonstrations and protest rallies in support of Taslima Nasrin in Kolkata, India, calling for her safe return. The Indian government continues to give her shelter elsewhere in the region. "These courageous acts on the part of moderate Muslims highlight the importance of distinguishing between extreme Islamists and moderate Muslims," Coon concluded. The humanist statement stresses that rather than attacking Islam as a whole, it is important for non-Muslims of goodwill to work with moderate Muslims and show support for peaceful and democratic interpretations of the world's second-largest religion.
Americans United Urges Government Officials To Remember Constitution When Erecting Holiday Displays
Religious Freedom In Military Questioned
Borders Tags Atheist Book With 'O Come All Ye Faithless' Cards
See also:
The Four Horsemen (First of two 1-hour videos featuring Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens & Harris.)
In Support Of Intelligent Design
Some Say I-35 Is Bible's Road To Salvation
Preacher's Killer's Right To Visit Kids Upheld
Muslims Mark High Point Of Hajj
Man Pardoned Over Saudi Rape Case
Torture House, Mass Graves Discovered In Iraq
See also:
Media Invited To "Interview" Al Qaeda Boss
Israeli Strikes Kill Islamic Jihad Militants In Gaza
Stumbling Into Chaos: Afghanistan On The Brink
The Taliban are the de facto governing authority in significant portions of territory in the south and east, and are starting to control parts of the local economy and key infrastructure such as roads and energy supply. The insurgency also exercises a significant amount of psychological control, gaining more and more political legitimacy in the minds of the Afghan people who have a long history of shifting alliances and regime change.
See also:
Taliban kills 15 in U.S. fuel ambush
White House Told To Detail Christian Leader Visits
Governor's Defense Of Nativity Scenes Challenged
The Madison, Wis.-based Freedom From Religion Foundation accuses Strickland of violating his oath of office to uphold the Constitutions of Ohio and the United States by allowing the religious displays.
Rapping Monks, Nuns Hit Catwalk
Why One Muslim Girl Became A Born-Again Virgin For Her Wedding Night
"If my husband cannot prove to his family that I am a virgin, I would be hounded, ostracised and sent home in disgrace. My father, who is a devout Muslim, would regard it as the ultimate shame.
"The entire family could be cast out from the friends and society they hold dear, and I honestly believe that one of my fanatically religious cousins or uncles might kill me in revenge, to purge them of my sins. Incredible as it may seem, honour killings are still accepted within our religion.
"Ever since my family arranged this marriage for me, I've been terrified that, on my wedding night, my secret would come out. It has only been since my surgery last week that I've actually been able to sleep properly. Now, I can look forward to my marriage."
Bomb Plot Suspect Escaped While Praying
Sudan Jails Two Egyptians For Blasphemy
Monday, December 17, 2007
Terror Accused: We Were Hunting Loch Ness Monster
Anti-Al Qaeda Iraqis Shot To Death
Straight Like Me
See also:
'Purity Siege' exploits man featured on 700 Club as 'cured' of homosexuality
Abstinence Programs Face Rejection
Synthetic DNA On The Brink of Yielding New Life Forms
The plan is to mass-produce a plain genetic platform able to direct the basic functions of life, then attach custom-designed DNA modules that can compel cells to make synthetic fuels or other products.
Muslims Gather For Hajj Pilgrimage
According to Wikipedia, "The Black Stone is a Muslim object of reverence, said by some to date back to the time of Adam and Eve. It is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient stone building towards which Muslims pray, in the center of Masjid al-Haram, the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Stone is roughly 30 cm (12 in.) in diameter, and 1.5 meters above the ground.
"When pilgrims circle the Kaaba as part of the Tawaf ritual of the Hajj, many of them try, if possible, to stop and kiss the Black Stone, emulating the kiss that it received from Muhammad. If they cannot reach it, they are to point to it on each of their seven circuits around the Kaaba....
"Non-Islamic historians point to the history of baetylus, or meteorite worship, in pre-Islamic Arabia, and say it is likely that the Stone is a meteorite."
See also:
Biblical town of Bethlehem kicks off Christmas
Hotel chain offers a room at the inn for Marys and Josephs
Bomb Kills 7 In Northwest Pakistan
See also from Saturday:
Pakistan Suicide Attack Kills 5
Australian Defense Chief Warns Allies Over Afghanistan War
The defense minister's comments were first reported in The Australian newspaper and confirmed by his office in Canberra. Fitzgibbon told his fellow defense ministers -- including U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates -- that "We need much more than a military response" to a rise in attacks by the Taliban.
Tossed From A Car And Shot In Cold Blood
See also:
The 'Body Contractors'
Al Qaeda No. 2 Blasts 'Traitors'
Report: King Pardons Rape Victim
Knox County Commissioners Prepare To Step Into God And Politics Debate Again
A recent meeting began with this opening by Commissioner Tony Norman: "Keep me safe, oh God. I come to you for refuge. I said to the Lord, you are my master."
The prayer serves as a recognition of God, but some commissioners want to take it a step further by putting their faith in writing.
"There is going to be a day of reckoning and I don't want somebody to come to me and say, 'Remember back on county commission and you didn't recognize me, I don't recognize you?' So you are not coming into heaven," Commissioner R. Larry Smith said.
Commissioners Ivan Harmon and Greg Lambert are sponsoring a resolution that states:
"The Knox County Commission hereby urges all American citizens, to proclaim to every level of government (Local, State, and Federal) its responsibility to publicly recognize God as the Foundation of our National Heritage."
Prayers Will Go On In Delaware County, Commissioner Says
"Some days are pretty challenging, and I honestly pray for the wisdom to make the right decision," Evans said.
Evans, a Christian, has opened each public session with a prayer since January, when he was appointed the board's president. His intent was to make people feel comfortable, he said.
This week, Americans United for Separation of Church and State urged the board to "consider eliminating all future prayers in order to make all feel equally welcome at meetings."
In a letter dated Dec. 10, the watchdog group based in Washington, D.C., said the vast majority of the prayers at the meetings are sectarian and cite references to Jesus Christ. Prayers at seven meetings last month concluded with, "in your son's name, we ask these things," the letter said.
The prayers do not represent those who hold non-Christian beliefs or who practice no religion, the group said.
Hagee Revising Book's Contentious Chapter
What he didn't expect with publication of "In Defense of Israel" was outrage from some members of his own evangelical community nationwide.
A key chapter, they say, borders on heresy because it argues that Jesus didn't present himself as the Messiah to the Jewish people, so they cannot be held responsible for rejecting him.
'Eye Ancestor' Debunks ID Nonsense
'Do Not Let The Devil Interfere'
Survey Finds Young And Old Moroccans Differ On Religion
Creationists Plan British Theme Park
Friday, December 14, 2007
The American Atheist Winter Solstice Bash
The Venue:
The Winter Solstice Gala venue is the luxurious Crowne Plaza Hotel (Grand Ballroom, 2nd floor), Clark NJ just off exit 135 of the Garden State Parkway, and two miles from the Rahway Train Station for convenient access to New York City. There is also the Metro Park Station for New Jersey Transit and AMTRAK. You may make shuttle arrangements with the Crowne Plaza. The hotel is located at 36 Valley Road, Clark, NJ 07066, phone 732-574-0100.
MapQuest Map of Crowne Plaza Clark, NJ.
Get together with other Atheists for an afternoon of holiday fun, food, music, dancing and camaraderie in a celebration of the Winter Solstice!
Evening Events:
At 6 pm all are invited to tour the American Atheist Center in nearby Cranford and then participate in the taping of The Atheist Viewpoint Cable TV program in the American Atheist Center TV studio.
Cost: $29.00 per person, $14 for children ages 3 through 10.
Register on line or mail your payment to:
Militia Leader Al-Sadr Studying Up
Taliban Behead Grandmother And Grandson, 7, For 'Spying For The Americans'
Militant Leader Killed In Eastern Afghanistan
Anger After Govt. Vet Kills Cow At Hindu Temple
Gangotri has been injured for more than a year and suffered from bed sores because she could no longer stand. Government ministers have strongly defended the decision to kill the cow and end her suffering.
However, monks at Bhaktivedanta Manor in Hertfordshire are devastated over the cow's death and have accused the government of underhand tactics in the animal's slaughter.
State To Open Pilot Non-Religious Schools
Boy Scouts' Banishment Threatens Catholic Church
The issue: The City Council has decided the Boy Scouts, because they prohibit participation by open homosexuals, do not comply with the city's anti-discrimination policies and can no longer rent their headquarters for $1 a year, as they have since the city approved its original resolution on the plan 80 years ago.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Happy Newton Day!
Militants Back On Offense In Somalia
U.S. Seeks Help In Afghanistan
Twin Blasts Kill Seven In Pakistan
New Rocket Attack In Israeli Town
Troops Discover Mass Grave In Iraq
Mass grave found north of Baghdad, includes mutilated remains of at least 16 men
One Iraqi killed and five people wounded by a car bomb in northern Baghdad
Eleven people detained in countrywide coalition raids targeting al Qaeda in Iraq
Living, Dead Extracted In Algeria
Judge Orders Priest To Recite Psalms
"I did it as a tribute to Galileo Galilei, one of the greatest scientists of all time, who received a similar sentence from the Catholic Church during three years for saying the Earth rotates around the sun."
1 Acquitted, 6 To Be Retried, In Alleged Terror Plot
"Liberty City 7" were accused of homegrown plot to blow up buildings
One acquitted; six to be retried starting January 7
Sources say supposed al Qaeda operative helping group was really informant
Young Pakistanis: Bin Laden Is A CIA Creation
Thieves Cut Off Man's 'Holy Leg'
Watchdog Group Challenges US Military Over Religious Freedom
U.S. Student Scores Grim
Nativity Rejected In Manistique
The request was made by Rev. Steve Jones of the Manistique Pentecostal Church of God and Rev. Don Bedwell of the First United Methodist Church. Bedwell is president of the Manistique Ministerial Association.
The issue before the council, as described in a legal opinion written by City Attorney John Filoramo, was whether or not a private person may display a nativity scene on city property.
"The issue raises questions," Filoramo wrote in his opinion, because the federal Constitution "prohibits the government, including cities, from establishing a state religion."
Nativity Scene Draws Complaint
Group Objects To Nativity Scene In Peshtigo Park
Green Bay Leader Pays For City Nativity
Muslim Helps Jews Attacked On New York Subway
Friday's altercation on the Q train began when somebody yelled out "Merry Christmas," to which rider Walter Adler responded, "Happy Hanukkah," said Toba Hellerstein.
"Almost immediately, you see the look in this guy's face like I've called his mother something," Adler told CNN affiliate WABC.
Two women who were with a group of 10 rowdy people then began to verbally assault Adler's companions with anti-Semitic language, Hellerstein said.
One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus," she said.
Wilson Schools Won't Settle
The suit also alleges that the Praying Parents were allowed to leave prayer messages with students. It asks the court to stop the activities and prevent the school from supporting them in the future.
State Rebukes Evolution Foe
Selena "Charlie" Carraway, program manager for the department's Office of Instructional Materials, recently used her personal e-mail on personal time to send a missive urging fellow Christians to fight the proposal to include evolution as a "key idea" in the science curriculum.
The Trials And Tribulations Of Hashmel Turner
Freedom Lost
In October the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (Unami) expressed serious concern over the rising incidence of so-called honour crimes in Iraqi Kurdistan, confirming that 255 women had been killed in just the first six months of 2007, three-quarters of them by burning. An earlier Unami report cited 366 burns cases in Dohuk in 2006, up from 289 the year before, although most were not fatal. In Irbil, the emergency management centre had reported 576 burns cases since 2003, resulting in 358 deaths.
See also:
Iraq's Youthful Militiamen Build Power Through Fear
Schoolgirls Told to Wear Scarves, Under Threat of Death
Inter Milan Football Strip 'Offends Muslims'
Players wore the new strip - a white shirt with large red cross on it - in a Champions League match last month against Turkish team Fenerbahce to celebrate the club's centenary.
But a Turkish lawyer, Baris Kaska, took exception to the "Crusader-style" cross which he said symbolised "Western racist superiority over Islam".
Men Arrested For Contempt Of Religion
The source said the men belong to the al-Ahbash sect, considered heterodox by many Islamic clerics, and said they possessed literature outlining their beliefs.
Among the group's unorthodox beliefs cited by the judicial source are permitting Muslims to pray without ablutions, contrary to established Muslim practice, and seeking blessings from graves.
The source said the men had been attempting to spread their beliefs on the campuses of al-Azhar University, Egypt's prestigious centre of Sunni Islamic learning, and had managed to recruit a number of followers.