Earlier today, Lisa Pedersen was presented with the FREETHOUGHT ACTION HERO AWARD at the 7th Annual Orange County Freethought Alliance Conference.
Lisa Pedersen
Lisa Pedersen is an ambassador, educator, advocate, and a humanist. She is a co-founder and former board member with the secular non-profit organization Friends of Freethought. She also founded the Women's Secular Group of Southern California, which hosts an Adopt-A-Family outreach within secular communities.
She raises awareness and educates the public on matters such as morality, the history of freethinkers, and activism. She does this in person and online, helping people access reference materials. She attends outreaches to educate the public as an example of what an atheist and humanist is.
Lisa is also involved in many community service projects, raises money for orphanages, helps orphans and homeless children to receive free dental care, and in two years raised over $25,000 for Project Hope.
Lisa Pedersen became the fourth person to be presented with this award.
To see more about previous award winners, click HERE.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Christians to flock to massive atheist rally in D.C.
Call it resistance with love. A massive gathering of atheists taking place in Washington, D.C., will now face some concerted counterpointing, thanks to the rally call of one church in California for those of Christian faith to travel to the freethinkers' scene to try and change hearts.
MORE: http://www.wnd.com/2016/04/christians-flock-to-massive-atheist-rally-in-d-c/
The Reason Rally is coming soon!
June 4, 2016
Visit the site here: http://reasonrally.org/
MORE: http://www.wnd.com/2016/04/christians-flock-to-massive-atheist-rally-in-d-c/
The Reason Rally is coming soon!
June 4, 2016
Visit the site here: http://reasonrally.org/
Friday, April 29, 2016
A Norwegian Would
You may recall the NC statewide "One Nation Indivisible" billboard campaign FreeThoughtAction organized over the 4th of July holiday in
2010, with six billboards in six cities from the mountains to the sea….
Several months ago, I was contacted by journalist Even Gran
from the Norwegian Humanist Association. He asked to use one of the pictures I
had taken of the billboard on the Billy Graham Parkway for the cover of his new
book about American secularism. I said "Yes!"
Well, the book is out now. Even kindly sent me a signed copy.
Here's what it looks like…
It is currently only available in Norwegian HERE.
He says it will soon be out in an English version.
While I’m on the subject…
National Day Of Reason Is Coming Up Soon!
A consortium of leaders from within the community of reason endorsed the idea of a National Day of Reason. This observance is held in parallel with the National Day of Prayer, on the first Thursday in May each year.
This year it's coming up on May 5, 2016.
Visit the website for the National Day of Reason where you can endorse reason, send a proclamation, sign a petition, find out about events and government actions, and learn more about it. You might even consider organizing your own event!
SEE: http://nationaldayofreason.org/
This year it's coming up on May 5, 2016.
Visit the website for the National Day of Reason where you can endorse reason, send a proclamation, sign a petition, find out about events and government actions, and learn more about it. You might even consider organizing your own event!
SEE: http://nationaldayofreason.org/
More News...
Missouri 'Religious Freedom' Bill Defeated In House Committee Vote
Ted Cruz Under Fire Over Adviser Who Wants Abortion Providers To Be Executed
26 states urge appeals court to uphold Md. cross ruling
Lafayette schools to rethink Pledge of Allegiance policy
Defying "In God We Trust" Trend, Arkansas Police Department Puts "We the People" On All Vehicles
Lawmaker introduces resolution extolling reason
Congressman Wants A 'National Day Of Reason' As Atheist Alternative To Day Of Prayer
Two Lawmakers Want National Day of Reason as Alternative to National Day of Prayer
Ted Cruz Under Fire Over Adviser Who Wants Abortion Providers To Be Executed
26 states urge appeals court to uphold Md. cross ruling
Lafayette schools to rethink Pledge of Allegiance policy
Defying "In God We Trust" Trend, Arkansas Police Department Puts "We the People" On All Vehicles
Lawmaker introduces resolution extolling reason
Congressman Wants A 'National Day Of Reason' As Atheist Alternative To Day Of Prayer
Two Lawmakers Want National Day of Reason as Alternative to National Day of Prayer
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Some Highlights From This Week's News
Jamie Raskin, An Openly Humanist U.S. House Candidate from Maryland, Just Won His Primary
Tennessee Repeals Protections For Faith Healing Parents
Action Alert in Idaho! Tell lawmakers to repeal religious exemptions for child neglect
Court smacks down Kansas Christians for labeling evolution a religion to force school ban
Republican condemns 'wicked' Alabama citizens with apocalyptic National Day of Prayer resolution
It's About To Be Legal For Tennessee Counselors to Deny Mental Health Services Based On Religion
Georgia GOP Approves $2 Million for Anti-Choice Pregnancy Centers
Abortion doctors would lose medical licenses under new Oklahoma bill
Alabama town passes ordinance to jail trans people caught using the bathroom in Target
Kentucky approves Ark Encounter for up to $18 million in tax incentives
Public Schools Are Visiting Ken Ham's Creation Museum
The Vatican Just Put a Convicted Rapist Back in a Parish
Woman Causes 10 Car Pileup After Seeing Jesus In Her Kit Kat Candy Bar
Tennessee Repeals Protections For Faith Healing Parents
Action Alert in Idaho! Tell lawmakers to repeal religious exemptions for child neglect
Court smacks down Kansas Christians for labeling evolution a religion to force school ban
Republican condemns 'wicked' Alabama citizens with apocalyptic National Day of Prayer resolution
It's About To Be Legal For Tennessee Counselors to Deny Mental Health Services Based On Religion
Georgia GOP Approves $2 Million for Anti-Choice Pregnancy Centers
Abortion doctors would lose medical licenses under new Oklahoma bill
Alabama town passes ordinance to jail trans people caught using the bathroom in Target
Kentucky approves Ark Encounter for up to $18 million in tax incentives
Public Schools Are Visiting Ken Ham's Creation Museum
The Vatican Just Put a Convicted Rapist Back in a Parish
Woman Causes 10 Car Pileup After Seeing Jesus In Her Kit Kat Candy Bar
Friday, April 22, 2016
This Week...
The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion
Ignorance is Bliss: Why Religious People Seem Happier Than the "Nones"
Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church: Why Is It Still a Story?
Tennessee Lawmakers Lose Bid to Make Bible the Official State Book
Bladensburg Cross Excludes Non-Christian Veterans, Says Humanist Group to Appeals Court
Church Protection Act Threatens Safety and Secularism
This Woman Has Been Allowed to Run at Least 12 Horrifying Daycares Because of a Crazy Loophole
The Horrors of Alabama's Unregulated Religious Daycares
Calif. school district bans atheist scholarships — but allows them from Scientology
Foundation Beyond Belief Responds to Ecuador Earthquake
Ignorance is Bliss: Why Religious People Seem Happier Than the "Nones"
Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church: Why Is It Still a Story?
Tennessee Lawmakers Lose Bid to Make Bible the Official State Book
Bladensburg Cross Excludes Non-Christian Veterans, Says Humanist Group to Appeals Court
Church Protection Act Threatens Safety and Secularism
This Woman Has Been Allowed to Run at Least 12 Horrifying Daycares Because of a Crazy Loophole
The Horrors of Alabama's Unregulated Religious Daycares
Calif. school district bans atheist scholarships — but allows them from Scientology
Foundation Beyond Belief Responds to Ecuador Earthquake
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Catching Up On Old News...
Atheists & Atheism
Poll Finds Americans, Especially Millennials, Moving Away From Religion
As Usual, Survey Shows Religion in Decline, Especially Among Millennials
Why more people call themselves 'Nones'
7 Facts About Atheists
U.S. Demographics Shift: White Christians No Longer The Majority
Survey Shows That Atheism is Still a Political Liability, but Not As Much as Before
Nonreligious voters present a puzzle for political parties (ANALYSIS)
Disbelieve it or not, ancient history suggests that atheism is as natural to humans as religion
Atheists Outnumber Southern Baptists in US Military
Report Says Britain is No Longer a Christian Nation and Must Reflect That In Its Policies Also: Poll: widespread indifference to Christian beliefs, but Christians feel comfortable discussing their faith [UK]
The Negative Association between Religiousness and Children's Altruism across the World
Teacher Sued After Punishing Second-Grader for Being an Atheist
Church & State
Unbelief As A Belief System: Core Tenet For Christians' Fight For Religious Rights
The 8 Most Terrifying Threats to Separation of Church and State
Research Suggests Jesus Never Existed
Study Suggests Bible Could Be Based On Popular Fairy Tales
Religion has been causing conflict for over 2,000 years, say scientists and Anthropologists say religious ties did not bind early societies together as had previously been thought Related: Holy Horrors: Religious slaughter through the centuries
Religious children are meaner than their secular counterparts, study finds and Religious kids are harsher and less generous than atheist ones, study says
How the Fear of Death Strengthens Christian Nationalism (and Leads to More Crime)
Christian terrorism is a bigger threat to U.S. freedom than Islamic extremism
Christian group conducts study, finds out that Christians have the most abortions
The Catholic Church Has Paid Out $3,994,797,060.10 as a Result of the Sex Abuse Scandals
Little Boy Who Claimed to Die and Visit Heaven Admits He Made It Up
The Satanic Temple's Seven Tenets Are Far More Ethical Than the Ten Commandments
Alabama's Abstinence-Only Sex Education Classes Are Hurting Students Across the State
Creationist Selected To Lead Arizona Senate Education Panel
Bringing time and space together for universal symmetry
Equation shows that large-scale conspiracies would quickly reveal themselves
Acceptance Of Profound-Sounding "Bullsh*t" Linked To Lower Intelligence
We're the Only Animals With Chins, and No One Knows Why
Sean Carroll On Six Arguments Used by Science Denialists
Forget What the Science-Deniers Say; Evolution Really Can Be Observed
Evolution of Creationism
And if you're bored...
If The Moon Were Only A Pixel - A Tediously Accurate Scale Model of the Solar System
Poll Finds Americans, Especially Millennials, Moving Away From Religion
As Usual, Survey Shows Religion in Decline, Especially Among Millennials
Why more people call themselves 'Nones'
7 Facts About Atheists
U.S. Demographics Shift: White Christians No Longer The Majority
Survey Shows That Atheism is Still a Political Liability, but Not As Much as Before
Nonreligious voters present a puzzle for political parties (ANALYSIS)
Disbelieve it or not, ancient history suggests that atheism is as natural to humans as religion
Atheists Outnumber Southern Baptists in US Military
Report Says Britain is No Longer a Christian Nation and Must Reflect That In Its Policies Also: Poll: widespread indifference to Christian beliefs, but Christians feel comfortable discussing their faith [UK]
The Negative Association between Religiousness and Children's Altruism across the World
Teacher Sued After Punishing Second-Grader for Being an Atheist
Church & State
Unbelief As A Belief System: Core Tenet For Christians' Fight For Religious Rights
The 8 Most Terrifying Threats to Separation of Church and State
Research Suggests Jesus Never Existed
Study Suggests Bible Could Be Based On Popular Fairy Tales
Religion has been causing conflict for over 2,000 years, say scientists and Anthropologists say religious ties did not bind early societies together as had previously been thought Related: Holy Horrors: Religious slaughter through the centuries
Religious children are meaner than their secular counterparts, study finds and Religious kids are harsher and less generous than atheist ones, study says
How the Fear of Death Strengthens Christian Nationalism (and Leads to More Crime)
Christian terrorism is a bigger threat to U.S. freedom than Islamic extremism
Christian group conducts study, finds out that Christians have the most abortions
The Catholic Church Has Paid Out $3,994,797,060.10 as a Result of the Sex Abuse Scandals
Little Boy Who Claimed to Die and Visit Heaven Admits He Made It Up
The Satanic Temple's Seven Tenets Are Far More Ethical Than the Ten Commandments
Alabama's Abstinence-Only Sex Education Classes Are Hurting Students Across the State
Creationist Selected To Lead Arizona Senate Education Panel
Bringing time and space together for universal symmetry
Equation shows that large-scale conspiracies would quickly reveal themselves
Acceptance Of Profound-Sounding "Bullsh*t" Linked To Lower Intelligence
We're the Only Animals With Chins, and No One Knows Why
Sean Carroll On Six Arguments Used by Science Denialists
Forget What the Science-Deniers Say; Evolution Really Can Be Observed
Evolution of Creationism
And if you're bored...
If The Moon Were Only A Pixel - A Tediously Accurate Scale Model of the Solar System
Thursday, April 14, 2016
"Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence"

Carl Sagan is credited with the popular skeptical phrase, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” or, later, “Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.” At or about the same time (probably slightly later than Sagan), founding Skeptical Inquirer editor Marcello Truzzi is on record using the phrase, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.” All three of these variations of this concept are still currently in circulation.
Tracing this thought back in
time, we find American magician and skeptic Joseph F. Rinn expressing this idea
in a 1911 Washington Post article debunking psychics. His version was
“Wonderful phenomena demand wonderful evidence in their support.” Skipping back
a little further we find French scholar Pierre-Simon Laplace considering this
concept in some detail. In 1814, he argued that “the more extraordinary the
event, the greater the need of its being supported by strong proofs,” and “the
probability of the falsehood increases in the measure that the deed becomes
more extraordinary,” and “the probability of the error or of the falsehood of
the witness becomes as much greater as the fact attested is more
extraordinary.” Taking it a little further, he said, “There are things so
extraordinary that nothing can balance their improbability.”
Thomas Jefferson’s
formulation of this concept predates Laplace by six years where he suggests
that extraordinary claims’ “verity needs proofs proportioned to their
difficulty” in 1808….
“A thousand phenomena present
themselves daily which we cannot explain, but where facts are suggested,
bearing no analogy with the laws of nature as yet known to us, their verity
needs proofs proportioned to their difficulty. A cautious mind will weigh well
the opposition of the phenomenon to everything hitherto observed, the strength
of the testimony by which it is supported, and the errors and misconceptions to
which even our senses are liable.”
We can trace this idea back
one step further to Scottish philosopher David Hume. His formulation of the
idea in 1739 was “A wise man, therefore, proportions his belief to the
evidence.” Expanding a bit, he said, “Suppose, for instance, that the fact,
which the testimony endeavours to establish, partakes of the extraordinary and
the marvellous; in that case, the evidence, resulting from the testimony,
admits of a diminution, greater or less, in proportion as the fact is more or
less unusual,” and “Such an event, therefore, may be denominated extraordinary,
and requires a pretty strong testimony, to render it credible…”
He also said, "When any one tells me, that he saw a dead man restored to life, I immediately consider with myself, whether it be more probable, that this person should either deceive or be deceived, or that the fact, which he relates, should really have happened. I weigh the one miracle against the other; and according to the superiority, which I discover, I pronounce my decision, and always reject the greater miracle."
He also said, "When any one tells me, that he saw a dead man restored to life, I immediately consider with myself, whether it be more probable, that this person should either deceive or be deceived, or that the fact, which he relates, should really have happened. I weigh the one miracle against the other; and according to the superiority, which I discover, I pronounce my decision, and always reject the greater miracle."
For some time I wasn’t able
to trace the formulation of this idea any further back. I’ve now run across the
concept expressed by Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592) as “[I]t is far
more probable that our senses should deceive us, than that an old woman should
be carried up a chimney on a broom stick; and that it is far less astonishing
that witnesses should lie, than that witches should perform the acts that were
The phrase, “Extraordinary
claims require extraordinary evidence” has become very popular in the
freethought and skeptic communities where it can be found on everything from
bumper-stickers to tee-shirts. A waitress in a restaurant once approached a freethinker wearing a tee-shirt with the phrase imprinted. She commented, “You
must work for an insurance company,” which brought much laughter to everyone at
the table.
“Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence” is more than just a good policy for insurance
companies. It is a most useful idea to employ when assessing any extraordinary
claims, and it is an essential aspect of critical thinking.
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