Friday, February 29, 2008
Atheists Find Strength In Numbers
"People who were ashamed to say there is no God now say, 'Wow, there are others out there who think like me,'" said Margaret Downey, president of the Atheist Alliance International, whose membership has almost doubled in the past year to 5,200.
Americans United Files Lawsuit Challenging Sectarian Prayers At New York Town's Board Meetings
Children Killed As Gaza Violence Flares
See also:
IDF kills 20 Palestinians, including 6 children, in Gaza and West Bank
Israel warns of invasion of Gaza
Israeli minister warns of Palestinian 'holocaust'
Suicide Bombing Kills 35 In Pakistan
See also:
30 killed in Pakistan funeral blast
Taliban Threaten Spring Offensive On Kabul
See also:
Afghan insurgency spreads
Afghanistan mission close to failing - US
Poverty pushing youth into arms of Taliban?
Welcome To The Quagmire
See also:
Sunni Forces Losing Patience With U.S.
Sharia In Iran: 'Death To Converts'
Muslim Headscarf Rows Hit Christian Schools
New Warning To Faith Charities
See also:
Sharia unveiled
Bobbies Will Be Taught Sharia Law And The Koran
See also:
MP fury at Sharia law idea for police
Dutch Film To Slam Islam
See also:
Do not broadcast critical Islam movie, says Dutch foreign minister
Muslim anger mounts over cartoons, movie
Creationists 'Peddle Lies About Fossil Record'
They say this proves Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is a fallacy and that God created each living species from nothing.
But, in an essay published in the magazine New Scientist today, geologist Donald Prothero claims that reports of "huge gaps" in the fossil records have been greatly exaggerated.
Wine Bottles A Step Too Far For Turkish Pop Music Video
But when the Turkish pop singer, Aslizen Yentu, sent the promotional video for her first album to the country's top music station, she was told the shots of an alcohol-laden dinner table had to go, although such a ban has no basis in Turkish law. "I thought it was a joke," she says. "The album is called Cheers. The song is a Greek tavern song. Was I supposed to sip yoghurt drink?"
Thursday, February 28, 2008
FreeThoughtAction Hero Of The Day - 02/28/08

According to Wikipedia, Pauling "was an American scientist, peace activist, author and educator. He is considered as one of the most influential chemists of the 20th century and ranks among the most important scientists in history.
"Pauling was one of the first scientists to work in the fields of quantum chemistry, molecular biology and orthomolecular medicine (optimum nutrition). He is also a member of a small group of individuals who have been awarded more than one Nobel Prize, one of only two people to receive them in different fields (the other was Marie Curie) and the only person in that group to have been awarded each of his prizes without having to share it with another recipient."
Pauling was raised in the Lutheran Church, but he joined the Unitarian Universalist Church as an adult and publically declared his atheism.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
"Does God Exist?" Forum In Kentucky
The forum will also include members of the Campus Crusade for Christ, and a representative of the Muslim religion. The discussion begins at 7:30 in the University of Kentucky (Lexington) Student Center, Small Ballroom. The forum is free and open to the general public. You can find directions and other visitor information at Inquiries about the Forum should be directed to Bryan Kennedy at
Sneak Peek At The Virtual Universe
See also:
Polar map of the moon is the best yet
'Doomsday' seed vault opens in Arctic
Sci-fi travels from imagination to reality
The Encyclopedia Of Life
Taliban Making Gains In Afghanistan
See also:
Al Qaeda No. 2 Lauds Slain Commander
Airstrike Hits Gaza Ministry Building
See also:
Fighting On Gaza Border Intensifies
Israeli airstrikes kill at least 10 in Gaza
UN Envoy Critical of Gaza Living Conditions
Sabbath Conflict May End Playoff Run
The Herzl/Rocky Mountain Hebrew Academy team could be headed for a regional championship on Saturday, March 8, if it wins one more game. But the Denver team's religious beliefs prohibit students from playing on the Jewish Sabbath between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Encyclopedia Of Life
In First, N.Y. Judge Allows Gay Divorce
Network Of Terrorist Camps In Rural England
Sudan Says Danish Products Banned
Pakistan Lifts Block On YouTube
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority ordered 70 domestic Internet service providers to restore access to the site after removal of what government officials had deemed a "blasphemous" video clip.
See also:
YouTube row gives taste of hate film
'I don't hate Muslims. I hate Islam,' says Holland's rising political star
Pakistan Targets TV Critics
Sharif plans to contest Pakistan by-elections
Suicide Bomber Kills Pakistan General
Bomb Kills 2 NATO Soldiers In Afghanistan
See also:
Taliban Threatens Cell Towers
Women's lives worse than ever
Polygamist 'Prophet' In Arizona To Face Charges
Accused Witch Gives Birth In Tree
Hamas Children TV Bunny Threatens To Kill Danes Over Muhammad Cartoons
Turkey In Radical Revision Of Islamic Texts
Monday, February 25, 2008
Survey: U.S. Religious Landscape In Flux
34th National Conference Of American Atheists
In addition, the Conference is honored to host writer Robert Lanham and historian Rene Salm.
Robert Lanham - The Sinner's Guide To The Evangelical Right
Robert Lanham is the author of the books The Sinner's Guide to the Evangelical Right, The Hipster Handbook, and Food Court Druids. Neal Pollack calls him "the Margaret Mead of the North American Weirdo." Lanham was born in Richmond, Virginia in the heart of the Bible Belt and was raised in a strict Southern Baptist church. He grew up in an environment where rock music was considered the devil's music and with parents who speak in tongues, vote Republican, and have a vanity plate that says "Prayzin." Lanham's first babysitter was Republican Senator Tom Coburn, best known for advocating the death penalty for abortion providers. As a teen, before his fall from grace, Lanham tried to speak in tongues, but failed. Lanham now lives in the den of iniquity, New York City. Lanham's writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Independent, Time Out, Nylon, Playboy, Maxim, and many other publications as well as in the collections The Subway Chronicles and Bookmark Now.
Rene Salm's meticulous, exhaustive, 8-year-long research on the archaeology of the town now called Nazareth shows irrefutably that "Nazareth" was not inhabited at the time Jesus and his family are supposed to have been living there. This puts Jesus of Nazareth in the same league as the Wizard of Oz. Salm's new AAP book, The Myth of Nazareth, will be released at the conference and is likely to be the biggest challenge to Christianity in centuries. Coming shortly after Israeli archaeologist Aviram Oshri's demonstration that Bethlehem in Judea also was uninhabited in New Testament times and Frank Zindler's discovery that Capernaum was a literary invention, Salm's book is going to be a collector's item for Atheists and all who are interested in the long war between science and religion. Salm is an authority on the origins of Buddhism as well as Christianity, and is a recovered Catholic.
WHAT: 34th National Conference of American Atheists
WHEN: March 20-22, 2008
WHERE: The Minneapolis Marriott City Center Hotel, 30 South 7th St., Minneapolis, MN.
Electron Filmed In Motion For The First Time
See also:
Physicist Neil Turok: Big Bang Wasn't the Beginning
Blood Test Could Reveal Bipolar Disorder
See also:
Gene discovery may lead to new baldness drugs
Turning back the 'creepy old hands' of time
Scientists Find 5,500-Year-Old Plaza In Peru
See also:
Krill found in Antarctica's icy depths
Church-State Watchdog Group Highlights A Slew Of Constitutionally Suspect Appropriations
ACLU Sues To Protect Marriages Threatened By Recent Court Decision
Hollywood Gets Preachy, On And Off Screen
Church Is Paying A High Price For Its Celibacy Rule
Anglican Rift Deepens As Two Sides Go To Court
Faith School Boom 'Creates Division'
See also:
Sydney's Archbishop opposes Civil Unions
Gazans Form Human Chain Along Israeli Border
See also:
Gaza protesters form human chain
Israel retaliates after Gaza rocket attacks
In Israel, some see no option but war
Wheelchair Bomber Kills 3 In Iraq Police Station
Rocket blasts unsettle Green Zone in Iraq
Suicide bomber kills 40 Shiite pilgrims
Dozens Of Iraqi Pilgrims Killed In Attacks
Blast Kills at Least 63 Shiite Pilgrims in Iraq
See also:
Uncertainty Facing Iraq's Awakening Movement Puts U.S. Strategy at Risk
The Ansar al-Mahdi and the Continuing Threat of the Doomsday Cults in Iraq
Hopes of UK troop cuts in Basra dashed
Ominous Signs Remain in City Run by Iraqis
Pakistan Army General Killed In Suicide Blast
In the north, gunmen opened fire and threw grenades inside the office of the British-based aid group, killing four local staff, the group and police said.
The latest attack is likely to revive concern about Islamic militancy in Pakistan just days after the opposition won parliamentary elections.
See also:
Suicide Bombs Kill Surgeon General, 10 Others in Pakistan
Musharraf dismisses talk of 'graceful exit'
Pakistan causes worldwide YouTube outage
Sunday, February 24, 2008
More Than 40 Shiite Pilgrims Killed
They were killed at the hands of a suicide bomber who attacked today as the pilgrims took a break from their trek at a tent offering food and drink.
The U.S. military says at least 40 people were killed and 60 were wounded.
See also:
Bombers, gunmen attack Shiite pilgrimage in Iraq
Suicide bomber kills 40 in Iraq
Pakistan Blocks YouTube
Israel And Hizballah On High Alert
Secret Plan To Avoid Church Gay Split
See also:
Foster couple challenges homosexuality laws
Woman Can't Let Grandson, A Jehovah's Witness, Die 'In Vain'
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Hunt For Alien Life To Expand Its Scope
Meanwhile, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is gaining new capacity to scan the heavens for alien signals. It could produce more analyzed data over the next two years than its researchers have collected over the past half century.
Saudi Arabia Arrests 57 Men For Flirting At Mall
Shells Hit Baghdad's Green Zone
The Coming Religious Peace
See also:
God's Country
Born Again
The new wars of religion
Friday, February 22, 2008
Moral Thinking
Priest Spent Church Money On Secret Family
Turkey OKs Controversial Head Scarves Ruling
Constitutional amendment allowing head scarves in universities faces legal battle
President denies change violates Turkey's secular principles
Islam and secularism has vied for dominance in Turkey for decades
Change was pushed through a parliament where Islam-rooted party has majority
Al-Sadr Extends Mehdi Army Cease-Fire
See also:
Iraqi Sunnis and Shiites work together, distrustfully
Morocco Says Terror Group Was Plotting To Kill Ministers
Diocese: Former Priest Has HIV
The diocese has alerted people who have lodged sexual misconduct allegations against Philip Magaldi that the defrocked priest has the disease linked to AIDS, according to the release.
Amish Community Fined Over Outhouse Controversy
Iran Says God Protects Nuclear Program
Ontario's Helmet Law Discriminates Against Devout Sikhs
'Most Britons Belong To No Religion'
See also:
Oxford to study faith in God
Ripping Into The Bible
UltraLove: The Medical Right Falls Hard For Ultrasounds
Genes Link Native Americans And Siberians
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Missing Link Found In Sydney Harbour
Although only a microscopic, single-celled creature, it has excited scientists around the world because it is the nearest relative yet found of a group of deadly parasites.
Virgin Mary Pretzel For Sale On EBay
As of Thursday afternoon, the bidding had reached $8,100.
Monopoly Contest Stirs Up Jerusalem Conflict
Hasbro Inc. issued an apology Thursday after an employee, responding to complaints from pro-Palestinian groups, eliminated the word "Israel" after the city in an online contest to select names for a new Monopoly board game: Monopoly Here and Now: The World Edition.
The company also pulled all country names from other cities on the site when even more people complained, including the Israeli government, because Jerusalem was listed as the only city without a country.
Church Music Director Jailed For Child Porn
Tate was choir director for 34 years at Christ Church, creating a music program that gained an international reputation. Former President George H.W. Bush attended the church while growing up and funeral services for his parents were held there.
Prosecutors also contend that Tate had sexually abused children at home and abroad since the 1970s. Authorities said Tate picked up boy prostitutes in New York and brought them back to his apartment at the church for sexual contact and traveled to Thailand to have sex with boys. He was not charged with those crimes.
North West Frontier Goes Secular
See also:
Pakistan leaders agree on coalition
Morocco Busts Al Qaeda-Linked Terror Network Funded By Crime
Morocco destroyed network that raised funds through heists, holdups in Europe
Terror group plotted to kill Cabinet ministers, army officials, Jews
Morocco banned an Islamist political party, arrests leader
Police arrested 32 people in sweeps this week
Israeli MP Blames Gays For Recent Earthquakes
Shlomo Benizri of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Shas Party, said the way to stop the tremors was for parliament to reverse its trend of liberalising laws concerning homosexuals.
A cost-effective way of averting earthquake damage, he added, would be to stop "passing legislation on how to encourage homosexual activity in the state of Israel, which anyway brings about earthquakes".
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Gene Studies Confirm 'Out Of Africa' Theories
The two studies also show that Africans have the most diverse DNA, and the fewest potentially harmful genetic mutations.
Iraqi Militia To Hear Saturday Whether To Resume Fighting
See also:
Thousands of Darfur refugees trapped by fighting
Kosovo touts 'Islam Lite'
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Total Lunar Eclipse Feb. 20
See also:
New forecasting method predicts solar storms
Farthest galaxy found ... perhaps
Astronomers find 2 new distant planets
Scientists and amateurs find new solar system
What space telescopes of tomorrow will see
Beatles Song 'Across The Universe" Beamed Into Space
Science Standards Will Call Evolution 'Scientific Theory'
See also:
Florida adopts 'scientific theory of evolution'
Suicide Attack At Afghan Market Raises Two-Day Toll To About 140
Iraq To Round Up Homeless, Mentally Ill, To Prevent Bombings
The move follows a pair of high-profile bombings that left almost 100 people dead
U.S. military: Al Qaeda in Iraq recruited female patients at psychiatric hospitals
Rocket-laden truck explodes in Baghdad; at least 15 police officers killed
See also:
Rocket blasts kill 15 at U.S. base in Baghdad
Uganda Rulers And Rebels Reach Conflict Deal
The agreement outlines how Uganda should handle allegations of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed during an insurgency the Lord's Resistance Army has waged since 1987.
LRA fighters are notorious for cutting off the tongues and lips of civilians and abducting thousands of children, turning the girls into sex slaves and the boys into fighters.
Musharraf Faces Call To Resign
See also:
Musharraf's Exit Urged After Election Rout
Musharraf under pressure to resign
Financial Woes Force Church To Sell Private Jet
Monday, February 18, 2008
Hopes Rise For Finding Alien Earths
Gecko's Sticky Secrets Inspire New Bandages
See also:
Scientists find 'Devil Toad' fossil
Vote Is Expected To Further Weaken Musharraf
See also:
Security forces reported at least four bombings at or near polling places
Pakistan Opposition Leads In Early Returns
Women barred from voting in parts of Pakistan
U.S. strikes within Pakistan -- without notice
Pakistanis Deal Severe Defeat to Musharraf in Election
Al Qaeda In Iraq 'Killing Off' Former Allies
Rockets Hit Iraq Housing Complex, Kill 5
Woman blows up Baghdad store after officers ask her to stop
See also:
Millions of Iraqis Living on the Edge
Food security and vulnerability analysis in Iraq
IRAQ: The Lights Have Gone Out, Who Cares
Iraqi medical system in deep trouble
Afghan Civilians Killed In Convoy Attack
Attack kills 82 in the worst atrocity since fall of Taliban
See also:
Fear Saps Vibrancy In Afghan Capital
Atheists An Increasingly Outspoken Minority
Kosovo To Be "Democratic, Secular And Multiethnic"
See also:
Serbs Protest New Kosovo Republic
Religious Superheroes Come Back Fighting In A Manga Comic Bible
Religion Joins Custody Cases, to Judges' Unease
Atheist Group Calls Former Church Home
A Debate Created In America
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Wikipedia Defies 180,000 Demands To Remove Images Of The Prophet
Muslim Cartoon Causes Rift Between Denmark And Iran
Female Suicide Bomber Kills 3 In Iraq
Dozens Dead, Wounded In Kandahar Bombing
Israel Kills 4 Palestinians In Gaza Operation
Texas Diocese Settles Priest Abuse Suit
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Car Bomb Kills 37 Ahead Of Pakistan Vote
See also:
Pre-Election Day Violence Scars Pakistan
Pakistan AG 'predicts vote-rigging'
Story Of Jesus Through Iranian Eyes
Does Islamic Law Have A Place In The U.K.?
Cartoon Reprint Reignites Fiery Protests
Muslim Cleric Protests New Indian Visa For Bangladeshi Writer
Anglican Boycott Over Gay Bishop
Friday, February 15, 2008
FreeThoughtAction Hero Of The Day - 02/15/08

According to Wikipedia, Anthony "was a prominent American civil rights leader who played a pivotal role in the 19th century women's rights movement to secure women's suffrage in the United States. She traveled the United States and Europe, and gave 75 to 100 speeches per year on women's rights for some 45 years....
"Susan B. Anthony, who died 14 years, 5 months and 5 days before passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote, was honored as the first real (non-allegorical) American woman on circulating U.S. coinage with her appearance on the Susan B. Anthony dollar."
The religious persecution of the ages has been done under what was claimed to be the command of God.
I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.
What you should say to outsiders is that a Christian has neither more nor less rights in our Association than an atheist. When our platform becomes too narrow for people of all creeds and of no creeds, I myself shall not stand upon it.
Happy Birthday to Freethinker Matt Groening
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Proposed Constitutional Amendments Would Allow For Public Funding Of Religion
US-IRAQ: Surge Exposing Political Tensions
See also:
Awakening to New Dangers in Iraq
Sunni Infighting Threatens Iraq's Stability
Rift threatens U.S. antidote to Al Qaeda in Iraq
U.N. to Help Organize Iraqi Elections Set for October
Muqtada, the man who would be ayatollah
The enigma of Muqtada al-Sadr
About 4.4 million Iraqis have been forced from their homes
Afghanistan's Refugee Crisis 'Ignored'
Hezbollah Mourns Slain Militant, Vows Revenge
See also:
Hezbollah leader: Israel faces 'open war'
Nasrallah: Mughniyah's blood will lead to elimination of Israel
Two Beirut rallies. Two visions for Lebanon
On Darwin's Birthday, Dover Still Isn't Over
Nine of Florida's 64 counties have passed resolutions over the last two months condemning the new curriculum that explicitly calls for teaching evolution. The resolutions, passed in heavily Christian counties in the state's northern reaches, demand that evolution be "balanced" with alternative theories, mainly creationist.
College Courses Target Church Embezzlers
Pastor: IRS Probes Huckabee Endorsement
See also:
Americans United Commends IRS For Investigation Into Partisan Politicking By California Church
IRS Target Wiley Drake Asks Followers To Engage In Imprecatory Prayers Against Americans United Staff Members
Kansas School Won't Let Female Ref Call Boys' Game
The Kansas State High School Activities Association said referees reported that Michelle Campbell was preparing to officiate at St. Mary's Academy near Topeka on Feb. 2 when a school official insisted that Campbell could not call the game.
The reason given, according to the referees: Campbell, as a woman, could not be put in a position of authority over boys because of the academy's beliefs.
A Burning Devotion
Council Pays Psychic For Exorcism
Zapatero Tells Church To Stop Election Meddling
Knesset Nixes Secular Marriage Rights
Newspapers Reprint Controversial Mohamed Cartoon
Three arrested in Denmark over plot to kill Muhammad cartoonist
Iran condemns reprinting of Muhammad cartoon
Saudi Woman Faces Death For Witchcraft
See also:
Arab states plan TV crackdown
Muslims Protest Wikipedia Images Of Mohammed
US Military Accused Of Harboring Fundamentalism
Smaller Version Of The Solar System Is Discovered
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Happy Darwin Day!

According to Wikipedia, Darwin "was an eminent English naturalist who achieved lasting fame by convincing the scientific community that species develop over time from a common origin. His theories explaining this phenomenon through natural and sexual selection are central to the modern understanding of evolution as the unifying theory of the life sciences, essential in biology and important in other disciplines such as anthropology, psychology and philosophy."
Darwin's 1859 publication of On the Origin of Species and his 1871 The Descent of Man not only unified the life sciences, it revolutionized human thought, overturning the argument from design (or teleological argument), that had prevailed for thousands of years.
Special News For Darwin Day!
Judge Jones became nationally famous overnight when, on December 20, 2005, he ruled the teaching of "intelligent design" unconstitutional in public schools. His landmark decision in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District set off a firestorm of criticism from the right wing. Phyllis Schlafly, Bill O'Reilly, and the Discovery Institute labeled Jones an "activist judge"--he even received death threats. But Jones has stood firm on his decision and remains outspoken on the point that intelligent design is a species of creationism and, as such, is a religious doctrine that cannot be taught as science in public schools.
"We humanists are honored that Judge Jones has agreed to accept the 2008 Humanist Religious Liberty Award and address the international gathering at the World Humanist Congress," said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. "We could think of no better day than Darwin Day to let the world know of this award and his acceptance--and of our support for all that he's done to ensure the religious neutrality of our public schools and a state-of-the-art science education for our children."
Darwin Day is an international humanist celebration held every February 12th to honor Darwin and the modern theory of evolution. Darwin was born in 1809 and this is his 199th birthday. Among the more than 100 chapters and local affiliates of the American Humanist Association, operating in cities from coast to coast, Darwin Day is widely celebrated. More information on specific celebrations worldwide can be foundat:
And next year, in 2009, the celebration will be the largest ever, honoring Darwin's bicentennial. "We are looking forward to the biggest bash of the decade," declared Fred Edwords, the American Humanist Association director of communications.
Florida State School Board Should Reject Religious Right Effort To Weaken Science Standards
Hateful Response To "Imagine No Religion" Message
Great Seal Of U.S. Mysteries Revealed

(AP) Conspiracy theorists take note: The myths surrounding one of America's oldest and most enduring national symbols are about to be debunked ... if you believe the government, that is.
The keepers of the Great Seal of the United States, the familiar emblem on the back of the $1 bill, want you to know what it is not. It is not a sign that Freemasons run the country, it has nothing to do with the occult, and it does not contain clues to a fabulous hidden treasure.
Partial summary of statements by Joseph Campbell on the symbolism contained in the Great Seal:
The eagle is the incarnation principle of the deity, the American counterpart of the eagle of Zeus, the highest god. The eagle is the downcoming of the god into the field of time - descending into the world of the pairs of opposites, which is the field of action. Thirteen arrows in one claw for war, a laurel leaf with thirteen leaves for peace in the other. The eagle is looking toward peace.
Above his head are thirteen stars in the form of Solomon's Seal. Each triangle is a Pythagorean tetrakys, where the apex represents the creative center, out of which energy, the universe and everything comes.
As soon as this energy enters the field of time, it breaks into pairs of opposites. When you have two, you have three ways of relationship; this one dominant over that one, that one dominant over this one, or both balanced in accord. From these three relationships, all things in the four quarters of space derive (out of Tao - the transcendent - comes the One; out of One come Two; out of Two come Three; out of Three come all things). Two of these symbolic triangles are interlocked on the Great Seal, creating thirteen points with six apexes - one above, one below, and four in the four quarters. The sense of this is that from above or below or from any point of the compass, the creative Word might be heard, so that anyone from any quarter might speak the truth, because no one is cut off from it.
This is the great thesis of democracy.
There are thirteen ranges on the pyramid, this is the number of states and the number of transformation, resurrection, and rebirth or new life.
The desert behind the pyramid is representitive of the past; the plants in the foreground are representitive of the future.
The pyramid has four sides. These are the four points of a compass. Someone could be at any point at the lower levels of the pyramid. When you get to the top, all the points come together and the eye of the God of Reason opens up.
We were the first nation established on the basis of reason. It symbolizes that all people in the world are capable of reason, without special revelation or authority reserved for the privileged.
This is the fundamental principle of democracy.
Retailer Halts Sales Of 'Jesus' Cosmetics
Promising to "Redeem your reputation and more," the product line included a "virtuous vanilla"-flavored lip balm and a "Get Tight with Christ" hand and body cream, as well as bags and other items sold by British retailer Topshop and produced by Blue Q, The Straits Times said.
On the packaging of one of the products, Jesus, wearing a bright white robe, looks heavenward while a blonde, heavily made-up woman with an arm draped across his shoulder gazes dreamily at his face.
Calif. Company Claims Faster, Cheaper Gene Map
Dogs Alert Master To Fire, Then Perish
Bella had jumped on Feuling's bed early Friday morning and started barking, and Feuling then smelled smoke, grabbed her daughter and rushed out of the house. But Feuling couldn't coax the dogs out of the house, even when she tried to run back in to yell for them.
"Bella must have thought Mckenzie was still in the house," Feuling said.
U.S. Forces Find 13 Bodies In Iraq Mass Grave
'Terror Plot' To Kill Mohammed Cartoonist
Top Anglicans Rally To Besieged Archbishop
Livingston Parish Council Refuses To Repeal Soothsaying Ban
The council ignored the recommendation of its attorney, Blayne Honeycutt, who had advised council members to repeal the ordinance in the face of a Wiccan minister's federal lawsuit, which Honeycutt said the parish probably will lose.
A Wiccan woman asked the council to repeal the ordinance, which she said makes unlawful a practice of a recognized religion.
Man Finds Jesus Image In Tree
Monday, February 11, 2008
Open Letter To President Putin From The Members Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences
Gecko Inspires New Glue
No Red Roses For Saudi Sweethearts
The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has ordered florists and gift shop owners in the capital Riyadh to remove any items colored scarlet, which is widely seen as symbolizing love, newspapers said.
Enraged Over Injured Boy
See also:
Fearing Israeli attacks, Hamas leaders hide
Al Qaeda's New Face Of Terror: American?
See also:
DHS: Bombers may use 'pregnancy prosthetics'
U.S. seeks death penalty for 9/11 suspects
Suicide Bomber Kills 25 In Iraqi Market
See also:
North Iraq Blasts Kill Dozens
Suicide car bomber kills 21 in Iraq
Conflicts Deepen Between Local Iraqi Governments and US-Backed Sunni Groups
America's Sunni allies go on strike in Iraq's Diyala province
Anti-Qaeda fighters in street protest against city police chief
More Bombing Creates New Enemies
Death squads undoing surge's progress
Arming Iraq's Future Street Gangs?
Sunni militiamen demand police jobs to fight Al-Qaeda
The Iraqi Displacement Crisis
U.S. Deficient Against Muslim Insurgents, Study Says
The Rand Corp. report characterizes "U.S. military intervention and occupation in the Muslim world" as "at best inadequate, at worst counter-productive, and, on the whole, infeasible." The Pentagon asked the nonprofit research organization to review strategies to thwart insurgents.
See also:
Army Buried Study Faulting Iraq Planning
Conservative Rabbis To Vote On Resolution Criticizing Pope's Revision Of Prayer
The prayer calls for God to enlighten the hearts of Jews "so that they may acknowledge Jesus Christ, the savior of all men."
Battle Of The Chambersburg Billboards
[Note the lack of effort by the reporter to obtain any a contrary opinion in the piece above. There is no comment from FFRF, no comment from an atheist, and no comment from even a neutral source. It is totally unbalanced reporting without even the pretence of objectivity or even-handedness.]
See also THIS.
Religious Symbols To Be Removed From Chapel
Similar actions are being taken at VA hospitals nationwide as the VA attempts to enforce its own policy enacted in July 1953 that states, "Chapels will be appointed and maintained as places for meditation and prayer for members of any faith group or denomination."
Friday, February 08, 2008
Public Funds Should Not Support Coercive Faith-Based Ministries
The Passion of 'Anonymous'
Violations Of 'Islamic Teachings' Take Deadly Toll On Iraqi Women
The women are killed, police say, because they failed to wear a headscarf or because they ignored other "rules" that secretive fundamentalist groups want to enforce.
Jailed Cleric Abu Hamza To Be Extradited To US
See also:
9/11 terror suspect extradited to Spain
Officials Identify Child Rape Suspect Killed By Deputies
Schaub also is believed to have multiple victims that he raped in both Orange County and the city of Orlando. Since the shooting, investigators were seen pulling bags and boxes of evidence from his home in a rural east Orange County neighborhood.
Schaub was also an ordained minister who worked as a custodian at the Oviedo Presbytarian Church. Pastor Paul Ogne would not answer when asked if he knew Schaub was a sex offender. Ogne said that was part of his pastor/member confidentiality. He did praise his part-time custodian and fill-in pastor who recently graduated from an Oviedo seminary with a masters in biblical studies.
UK PM Rejects Special Laws For Muslims
Thursday, February 07, 2008
A "Holy Grail" Of Healing
If this helped Mr Spievak's finger re-grow, could you grow a whole limb?
"In theory," Badalyk said.
Where'd Ya Get Those Baby Blues?
Brown, they say, is the default color for human eyes ... produced by melanin.
Blue eyes are caused by a genetic switch, programmed to suppress the melanin. It's a genetic mutation.
The first blue eyed person was probably born near the Black Sea just 10,000 years ago when the entire population of the world was less than 50,000.
Al-Qaeda Targets Hearts, Minds
The changes include warning locals to take cover before bomb attacks, relaxing the enforcement of strict Islamic laws and staging fewer attacks on Iraqi police.
See also:
Mosul, the next major test for the U.S. military in Iraq
Shia Call on Mehdi Army to Take Up Arms Again in Iraq
Islamic Fanatic 'Wanted To Groom His Three-Year-Old Daughter To Marry A Terrorist'
Religious Police In Saudi Arabia Arrest Mother For Sitting With A Man
First Jesus Potato, Now Virgin Mary Pancake?
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Atheist Sees Image Of Big Bang In Slice Of Toast
"I was just about to spread the butter when I noticed a fairly typical small hole in the bread surrounded by a burnt black ring," Chapman told local newspaper The Huddlesfield Express. "However the direction and splatter patterns of the crumbs, as well as the changing shades emanating outwards from this black hole, were very clearly similar to the chaotic-dynamic non-linear patterns that one would expect following the Big Bang. It's the beginning of the world!" he added excitedly.
Humanists Monitor Church Polling Places
Through its legal arm, the Appignani Humanist Legal Center, the Association filed just such a suit in November 2006. The case, Rabinowitz v. Anderson, involved Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida. Plaintiff Jerry Rabinowitz had been assigned to vote there and alleged that, to enter the polling place, he found it necessary to walk past a church-sponsored "pro-life" banner framed by multiple giant crosses. Then, in the voting area itself, he observed many religious symbols in plain view, both surrounding the election officials and in direct line above the voting machines.
Though not prevailing in that case, the legal center has honed its arguments and vows to relaunch the litigation in another jurisdiction. (Further details of this case are available online at
Churches are the most common polling locations in America. Some states and local governments have rules that require the covering of religious symbols during such use, but others do not. Lack of sensitivity in this matter has resulted in new complaints, such as one during the Florida primaries last Saturday where an Ormond Beach resident, voting at Prince of Peace Catholic Church, declared she was confronted by rows of white crosses symbolizing "4,000 babies aborted daily in the USA." For the forthcoming Massachusetts primary, religious symbols at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in West Boylston were slated to be covered or removed during voting, but that plan was abandoned when the Secretary of State's office declared no Massachusetts law requires it.
"We want to protect voters and the voting process from anything that may serve to intimidate or unduly influence those entering the polls," noted Bob Ritter, a civil-liberties attorney and legal coordinator for the Appignani Humanist Legal Center. "America's polling places should be oases of freedom in a sea of political and social pressure."
Lipman concluded: "Recent studies reveal that environmental cues have a measurable effect on electoral results. Therefore, the government must provide a neutral setting for voters, free from religious or other influences."
The Appignani Humanist Legal Center is part of the American Humanist Association. Consisting of over two dozen humanist lawyers and backed by humanists from coast to coast, it is the first nontheistic legal center in the nation's capital.
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